15 Jun

Six Star Challenge Week 3

Happy Monday!

Here is this week's 6 star challenge.  We'd love to see as many pupils as possible get involved.

Remember if you try all 6 challenges you get a gold award certificate, trying 5 challenges wins you a silver award and you will receive a bronze award for trying 4…

10 Jun

Six Star Challenge - plank position demonstration


We just thought we would share a video to show you how to do a correct plank exercise from Mr Murphy. It's fantastic to see so many of you trying these new challenges, keep it up.

A new challenge will be published each Monday for you to achieve your stars that week, this week is week 2.…

8 Jun

Six Star Challenge Week 2


We had an amazing response to last weeks challenge and would love for even more pupils to join us this week.

Remember If you achieve 6 stars you get a gold award, 5 stars for a silver award and 4 stars for a bronze award and you’ll get a shout out in our star of the week assembly!


8 Jun

Six Star Challenge Awards week 1

Well done everyone! You are all absolutely amazing.


Week 1's Gold award winners are:

Scarlett in Chestnut

Adam in Maple

Annie in Rowan 

Olivia in willow

Michael in 8R

Thomas in 8R 

Cordell in 8R

Well done - you achieved all 6 stars. WOW.


Week 1's Silver…

27 May


Hi everybody,

Would you like to take part in an exciting competition as part of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month? Take a look at the competition below. If you take part, make sure you send Mrs Crouch a copy of your entry (crouchm@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk) as well as emailing it over to…

1 May

MADD Week Flag Art Competition

Wow what an amazing MADD week it has been. There have been some amazing videos posted onto our school Learning from Home YouTube Channel - if you haven't had a look yet please go and see! 


We have had lots of entries fro the…

26 Apr

Oak Club’s Busy Week in School

This week has been a busy week for Oak Club. Miss Cross, Miss Holden, Mr Aindow, Miss Connolly and Miss Ward have had a wonderful week helping all the primary children, in who are still school, while their parents are busy at work.


Let’s have a look what they have been up to while still in…