14 Nov

Oak Class Friendship Week

Friendship week started on Monday, we all wore odd socks to celebrate differences. Miss Beck and pupils decorated a giant pair of odd socks as part of stage 2 attention autism. Pupils then took turns to create individual pieces of a paper chain. Our continuous provision included pairing socks and…

11 Nov

Remembrance Day 2022

This week classes have been invited to join in Remembrance Day traditions throughout school.

Each teacher has planned meaningful and engaging activities surrounding the theme of ‘War’ and ‘Remembrance’.

Learners have been exposed to different learning focuses and learning new facts through a…

11 Nov

On the 11th Day of the 11th Month …

Today 7P remembered all those that had lost their lives and those who still serve and have served in war. 

7P took part in a 1 minute silence outside with the rest of school while Mrs Chaloner played the Last Post on the corners.

We designed our own Poppies on purple mash and then watched…

11 Nov

Oak Class

Wow! What a busy week in Oak Class!

Firstly, we would like to express thanks to Mr Causey and his amazing fund raising efforts! All the boys in Oak contributed to the creation of a thank you card.

We have all engaged well in attention autism this week through stages 1-3 with a firework…

4 Nov

8A's are Poets and we know it!

Good afternoon,

What a great week we have had in 8A.  It has been action packed and full of fun, laughter, and learning. 

Our Star of the Week this week is Olivia - for showing 'determination' to walk all the way to the supermarket and back. Olivia didn’t use her wheelchair once and showed…

4 Nov

Oak Travel Training

Oak Class have been working hard on travel training this week! We are working towards a trip to Asda to make our own purchases. 

Pupils have explored the principles of road safety through attention autism, focusing on stop and go, looking left, right then left again and listening for…

4 Nov

Autumn Leaves are falling down …

7P went on our first community visit to Astley Park. 

On the way we practiced our road safety skills, checking if it was safe to cross the road and saying which place would be the safest to cross. We also spoke about how the weather felt, and what we could see around us on the walk. 

3 Nov

Bonfire Night Safety in Sycamore

This half term, Mrs Crouch will be teaching The World About Me in Sycamore Class on Thursday mornings. As part of the class theme, All Around The World, we will be learning all about festivals. Today we learnt about how to keep safe on Bonfire Night. 

One group worked with Mr Flavell in the…

31 Oct

Halloween in Oak Class

Oak class have had a fantastic day celebrating Halloween. The class team dressed as The Wiggles (a class favourite group) and pupils dressed as skeletons and Zombies.

Miss Howarth delivered a Halloween themed attention autism:

Stage 1 Cauldron - wind up eye ball and spider

Stage 2 Dancing…

20 Oct

Miss Price’s last day and a musical party to end our DT topic

Willow class have had a busy few weeks!

We have been on community visits, worked on our functional maths skills looking at time, worked on our social skills and phonic skills, baked some amazing recipes, enjoyed team games in PE, learnt about our emotions and regulation states, learnt about…

7 Oct

7A Building friendships at Legoland.

7A went to Legoland in Manchester this week. We have been looking forward to it allllllll week and it didn’t disappoint!

When we arrived we had to queue up, while queuing up we saw some of what was to come, Hagrid, Darth Vader and tubes full of Lego. 
7A then got into the lift, which was very…

9 Sep

7P Super Star First Week


What an amazing first week in 7P! Take a look at all the pictures to see what we have been up to! 

This week we welcomed 4 new friends to Astley Park but we are all new to 7P! We are now all super friends and are working really well on our job roles, teamwork and getting used to our…