25 Mar

School Council give feedback to the PSHE Association

Last week, members of the school council met with Sarah from the PSHE association to contribute ideas to the development of PSHE resources for children with special educational needs. They gave some really good feedback such as resources that include images of real people rather than cartoons, and…

7 Mar

International Women’s Day 2025 in Chestnut Class

Today Chestnut Class enjoyed looking at photographs of the special women in their lives. Some of the children used communication boards to describe their inspirational women with kind words like amazing, beautiful and caring! We hope you all have a lovely weekend celebrating the inspirational…

17 Jan

World Religion Week in Chestnut Class

This year for World Religion Week, Chestnut Class enjoyed exploring light linked to the Sikh celebration of Diwali. We made salt dough Diya lamps during our attention autism sessions and enjoyed turning the lights off and signing about our lamps on Friday afternoon to mark the end of the week.…

11 Dec

The Secondary Phase enjoy Dick Whittington! Oh yes they did!

A huge thank you to Initiate Theatre for their fantastic performance of Dick Whittington this afternoon. Key Stage 3 and 4 Classes had a great time! 

5 Dec

11A Scrambling Superstars!

Today for our final adventure we visited Kingsdale for some rock scrambling and caving at Yordas Cave. We applied the skills we had learnt on the indoor climbing wall and indoor abseiling in the real world! Once again, everyone worked together as a team to help and support each other face…

4 Dec

11A Canoes and Campfires!

Today, after a pancake breakfast, we have had a fantastic day canoeing on Ulnswater lake. Everybody worked in their teams to travel around the lake and we enjoyed some team games that were lots of fun. Some of us were brave enough to stand up on the canoes to do head, shoulders, knees and toes and…

3 Dec

11A Special Forces and Climbing Confidence!

11A have had a fabulous start to the week at Bendrigg. 

When we arrived yesterday, the pupils all independently made their beds, unpacked and settled into their rooms. We then enjoyed jacket potato for lunch to fuel us up before an afternoon of archery and bike riding. A special shout out to…

20 Feb

International Day of Girls and Women in Science - Willow Class

Today Willow Class listened to the story “Hidden Figures” to celebrate International Day of Girls and Women in Science. We had a fantastic discussion about equality and some of us decided we would love to be astronauts! We all agreed that the Hidden Figures did a super job at ensuring planes and…

7 Feb

Safer Internet Day in Willow Class #SaferInternetDay #SID2023

Willow Class have had a fabulous Safer Internet Day. We joined the Google assembly this morning and we were super at answering questions about online safety - we even got a school shout out from the team at Google! We then read a story called “Didgiduck and the Magic Castle” and talked about the…

6 Feb

Children’s Mental Health Week in Willow Class

This week for Children’s Mental Health Week, we will be thinking about how the connections we have with others are good for our mental health. We started the week by playing a hoop game, where we had to stay connected and pass a hoop around the circle. As we passed the hoop around, we talked about…

30 Jan

Willow Class learn all about the work of lifeguards

Today we were visited by our very own Astley Park Lifeguard - Miss Potter! We had the opportunity to ask her questions to find out about the work of lifeguards before we tried on the lifeguard uniform and pretended to jump in the pool and save someone. We watched videos of lifeguards working and…

25 Jan

A police surprise for Willow Class

This week on our community walks, whilst practicing our road safety skills, we have been looking for inspiration for the emergency vehicles that we are creating in our workshop sessions. We walked to the police station in two groups, one group on Monday and one group on Tuesday to take some…