23 Apr

7A’s Camping Adventure!

This week 7A have been on a camping adventure. We built tents, drank hot chocolates, walked through the woods and pretended to toast marshmallows. It was so much fun. We developed our team work skills, followed instructions and developed speaking and listening skills. We can’t wait for Day 2 of…

16 Apr

A super, sunny start to Summer Term in 7A

Wow! What a fantastic start to our new half term in 7A! Our new topic is Happy Campers and we are really excited for all the outdoor learning opportunities to come. If you haven’t yet sent your child in with a change of clothes and shoes, please could you send these in on Monday. 

In My…

26 Mar

An eggcelent end to Spring Term in 7A!

Wow what a wonderful end to Spring Term we have had in 7A. It has been assessment week but we have done lots of lovely Easter activities to break the week up, enjoyed a McDonald's lunch on Wednesday as our end of term class treat, and finished the week off with an Easter hunt complete with Easter…

20 Mar

Volcanoes EXPLODE in 7A!

Wow what another busy week we have had in 7A! Take a look at the photo gallery below to see the fun things we have been up to!

In My Thinking and Problem Solving we have been focusing on our functional skills and learning to tell the time, as well as continuing to work on our individual number…

12 Mar

7A are all back together

7A have loved being back together this week. What fun we have had!

On Monday, we spent the day rebuilding our relationships and defamiliarising ourselves with the school routine and expectations. 

On Tuesday, we began refocusing on our number skills in My Thinking and Problem Solving and…

5 Mar

Lights, Camera, Action in 7A!

7A have had a very busy week! We have been working hard and we are so excited to have everybody back in school next week.

In My Thinking and Problem Solving this week we have been learning to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour on analogue and digital clocks, as well as engaging in…

4 Mar

World Book Day in 7A

We have had a wonderful World Book Day in 7A.


This morning we had a Circle Time video call with the learners at home to share our costumes and our favourite books. Connor and Owen R dressed up as Manchester United players from their football manuals; Jake dressed up as Ratburger from his…

26 Feb

Annie’s 12th Birthday

Today is Annie’s 12th Birthday. She invited us all to her Zoom birthday party with Louby Loo. Louby Loo was great fun. We danced, sang happy birthday, listened to a special Annie interview and played a guess the film song. 

JJ and Connor won prizes for dancing and Jake won a prize for…

26 Feb

7A Celebrate LGBT History Month

This week at school we have been focusing on “Different Families, Same Love”. 

We started the week exploring the different families in class and around school, collecting data and recording this using tally charts and pictograms in My Thinking and Problem Solving. We also worked on our money…

12 Feb

A fabulous end to Spring 1 in 7A

7A have really impressed the staff team this week with their hard work, kind words and team spirit! 

In our My Thinking and Problem Solving lessons this week we practiced our number skills with Mrs Fisher. We also took part in Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and had some fabulous discussions…

5 Feb

A wonderful week 5 in 7A

7A have been working hard today this week. 

On Monday in school we practiced our number skills with Mrs Fisher and then went on a materials hunt outside in the afternoon. 

On Wednesday we continued to work on our number skills and then in the afternoon continued to learn about the…

15 Jan

To Infinity and Beyond in 7A

Wow what a busy second week back!


In 7A our new theme is “Let’s Go to the Movies”. During My Communication lessons, learners both in school and at home have finished watching Toy Story and completing written tasks using colourful semantics, practicing using capital letters, full stops and…