13 Nov

We are the Champions!!!!

9A’s blog in the learners own words. 

On Monday morning we did some different number work in maths. Afterwards we had break time outside, it was windy and rainy but we still had fun catching the leaves. After break we planned some more of our planet stories in my communication. We looked at…

3 Nov

9A week 1 - Autumn term.

After an unexpected start this week we have had a lovely week returning to school after the holidays. As previously mentioned 9A learners are now writing the blogs, so this is our week in 9A learner’s words.

”On Tuesday morning we made get well cards for a friend in our class to cheer her up.…

6 Oct

Week 5 in 9A

We have been very creative in 9A this week. On Monday we made some paper rockets to add to our space display in class. In the afternoon we started our research on Katherine Johnson ready for writing our biographies. On Tuesday morning we had a walk around Haigh hall and had a look at the walled…

15 Sep

9A Goes Bananas

We have had another fantastic week in 9A this week. On Monday we painted our papier-mâché  planets and they are looking great. Tuesday we went on a wet walk through the woods at Haigh hall where all the pupils loved looking out for woodland creatures and exploring. On Wednesday we had our first…