2 Oct

Chestnut Class and 'The Three Bears'

Oh what a fantastic week we've had in Chestnut Class. Its been great all being back together again. This week we've been learning about the Three Bears and watched the Goldilocks story. We've listened to lots of number songs and practiced counting 3 bowls, 3 bears, 3 beds and 3 chairs. Weve been…

25 Sep

Chestnut Class Week 4

Wow, what another fantastic week we’ve had in Chestnut Class. We’ve especially enjoyed watching our Attention Autism sessions getting messy with foam and flour. We’ve been finger painting our own faces and choosing a friend’s face to paint too. We had great fun decorating biscuits with Icing,…

18 Sep

Week 3 in Chestnut Class

This week in Chestnut Class we have been having lots of fun getting to know our new teachers and friends. We have been exploring our new environment playing with lots of different activities.

We especially enjoyed the Attention Autism with the balloons, which blew up when Miss Heaton added the…