1 Apr

Year 11 Sponsored Swim

Well done to everyone who took part in yesterday’s Sponsored Swim!
We swam a total of 139  lengths of Brinscall Baths- Mrs McShane joined in and swam 10 lengths taking our total to 149 lengths!
Thank you to everyone who have supported this event - raising vital funds for our end of school…

31 Mar

Saturday Run in The Park


Chorley School Sports Partnership Astley Park Run 26th March 2022.

After being prepared to train each week at school, the day of the run at Astley Park arrived for Alex, Mason, Noah and Alex M. Their Challenge was for each to compete in the run, represent APS and finish without stopping…

24 Mar

One week to Year 11’s Sponsored Swim!

One week to go to our Sponsored Swim!

We have all been practicing very hard- we just need to collect lots of sponsors! The more money we make- the better our Prom Day will be

16 Mar

Year 11 Sponsored swim

On Thursday 31 March our Year 11 pupils and some staff will be taking part in a Sponsored Swim- We have been practicing and perfecting our swimming techniques over the last few weeks at Brinscall Swimming Baths!
And also collecting sponsors from our families and friends! We are swimming as a…

8 Mar

11G Celebrate International Woman’s Day

We had quite a lengthy discussion around - why it is important to celebrate this very important day! 

We looked at the life of a very important woman Mary Seacole- we all found it very difficult to comprehend what the world was like for women- especially for women from different ethnic…

3 Mar

11g world book day 2022

11g have had an exciting couple of days, we celebrated world book day over two days due to us swimming. We focused on The Three Little Pig books, listen to two different versions and then discussed the two books. We found that one was more traditional and one very modern.  Had lots of fun…

1 Mar

11G Celebrate Shrove Tuesday


What a lovely day we’ve had in 11G- celebrating Shrove Tuesday- also known as Pancake Tuesday!
We investigated the history and traditions that happen on this day- which also happened to be the first day of Spring!

We made our very own pancakes- using a basic batter of eggs, flour and…

8 Feb

Happy Safer Internet Day from 11G!

Happy Safer Internet Day! 11G have had a lovely day learning all about how to stay safe online. First we filled out a quiz and worked out what we knew and what we still needed to learn about staying safe online. We then had to have a go at the safer Internet day quiz and work out what we would do…

1 Feb

Year 11G Celebrate Chinese New Year- The year of the Tiger

What a fun day we’ve had today in 11G-

We talked about the festivals that we celebrate- before looking at celebrations in other cultures- as today is Chinese New Year- The Year of the Tiger!
Most of our class were born in the year of the Rooster- and some in the Year of The Dog- Miss…

21 Jan

11G- Happy Birthday Alex

Happy 16th Birthday Alex! We hope you have a lovely day and like all of your presents. We loved celebrating it with you in class and eating cake together.

19 Jan

11g have been so busy today 19/ 01/21


Oh my , how busy have we been today?
We had breakfast in school before heading out to catch a bus from the bus stop. We talked about looking at the number on the bus we wanted and how to stop the bus. Then we used our ‘Now cards’ to get on the bus. When your Now Card has been scanned…

13 Jan

11G Chorley in Bloom 12 January 2021


We had great fun on our first visit to Chorley in Bloom.  
After a short ride on the school mini bus we arrived at the community garden. We meet two lovely ladies that are going to help us.  Each one of us got a little yellow bag, which had seeds for us to look at . Gill and Iris told us…