9 Oct

We're all going on a .... leaf hunt!

What another amazing week in 9G! We really do love all being together!

On Monday 9G began our new story ‘We’re going on a Leaf hunt’. Miss Hendy did a sensory story to go with each page. We then practiced our writing of autumn words, reading and played in the new sensory autumn tray. In the…

6 Oct

Happy Birthday Harrison!

Harrison celebrated his birthday today in school! He had a great day - he enjoyed wearing the birthday hat, playing cars (one of his favourite activities) and eating cake with his friends! All of his friends made him a card and Harrison made a card for his brother too! He was also very excited to…

2 Oct

What Makes Us Happy ... Being Together! & 9G Macmillan Coffee Morning!

Wow, what an amazing first whole week back 9G have had! Everyone has coped very well, and we have had so much fun being back together!

On Monday, we continued to look at our feelings, recognising what makes us happy, sad, cross, or scared. We explored this through the story ‘What makes us…

25 Sep

Happy Birthday Charlie

Happy Birthday Charlie!

Charlie has a had a great day in class and has enjoyed wearing a special birthday hat! He shared a lovely cake with us all and everyone sang Happy Birthday on the video call! 

Have a great day Charlie! 

25 Sep

Another awesome week for 9G group A and B!

It has been a great last week as two separate groups in 9G! 

Group A

Group A have been busy learning about germs and how important it is to wash our hands. Everyone enjoyed cleaning off the dirty hands in the tuff tray using the squeezy bottle! All the children tried hard to use their fine…

21 Sep

9G Group B have another exciting week!


We have had another great few days in Group B!

The whole group have adapted well to choosing nurture activities in the morning and seem to particularly enjoy Duplo, reading and jigsaws!

For our My Communication and The World About Me session this week, we focused on cleaning and washing…

16 Sep

We haven’t stopped having fun in 9G Group A!

It was another amazing two days in Group A this week! 

We were very lucky to have some lovely weather so were able to do our pentathlon challenge outside! Everyone tried really hard and all of the group cheered each other on whilst taking part! 

As part of getting back into socialising…

11 Sep

9G Group B having a blast in week 2!

We have had another super two days in 9G! 

This week we have listened to a sensory story, made some calming bottles, filled our happy bags, learnt some information about our teachers, took turns in lots of games AND challenged ourselves in the Pentathlon. There was lots of fun had by everyone…

8 Sep

9G Group A first days back!

It has been a great first few days back for Group A! 

Everyone has settled in well to their routine. They have made great choices, took part in group activities, took turns and used really good talking. 

We also had a great video call with our friends this afternoon, talking about our…

4 Sep

Welcome Back Group B to 9G!

It has been a great first two days back in 9G for Group B!

Everyone has tried really hard, made good choices and has enjoyed catching up with their friends! 

9G have been showing myself, Mrs England and Miss McPartlin some super writing, reading, taking turns, number work and some excellent…

23 Jun

9G are keeping busy at home!

9G have been keeping very busy at home. They have enjoyed seeing one another on our TEAMS video chats and particularly enjoyed our show and tell session and our morning group session. 9G have also been keeping busy working on their maths skills, reading Roald Dahl books, our Supertato story,…

22 May

9G enjoy learning from home!

9G have had another busy week. Everyone has been really busy working on education city, purple mash, helping out around the house, working on their gardening skills, reading, counting and baking skills. 

Well done 9G. Miss Robertson and Miss Bamber are so proud of how hard you have all been…