15 Jul

9G Final Farewell

What a year it has been in 9G! 

We have honestly had the best time and have enjoyed teaching and having fun with every member of the class. 

Unfortunately some members of class have been missing today but we will make sure you get your end of year treat! 

Thanks for everything 9G and best…

2 Jul

We're all going on our Camper holidays!

9G have been working very hard over the past few weeks. We have been making our own camper vans as part of the Happy Campers topic!

9G all shared their camper vans on our share our learning session with parents which we really enjoyed! Each learner had planned out their own camper van using…

25 Jun

9G get Physical!

What a fabulous sports week 9G has had! 

9G have fully embraced the week, taking on a variety of activities, including egg and spoon races both inside and outside, a balloon challenge, find the egg, football and rugby, rainbow run/ walk, orienteering and a parachute challenge.

As well as…

18 Jun

9G Summer 2, Week 1 and 2

9G have had an amazing start to the final half term in 9G!

We settled in well getting straight back into our number and reading work. 9G also got on well in our instruction giving activity in P.E, particularly as it was very hot! 

9G went on a wild flower hunt as part of The World…

18 Jun

Verde, Bianca, Rossa

9G have had a fabulous Italy day for Modern Foreign Languages. 

9G started the morning by coming in their green, white and red clothes. We then listened to a story about a girl called Angelina who loved pizza and went to visit the leaning tower of Pisa. 

We then listened to some Italian…

28 May

9G last two weeks of Summer 1!

Wow, Summer 1 has flown by. We can't believe we only have one more half term and then we will having finished in 9G! 

The last two weeks have been busy getting finished off for the holidays. 9G have measured their bean plants, which are growing steadily. Some haven't grown yet so we are going…

14 May

9G Celebrate Eid!

9G have had a very busy 5th week at school this week! 

First of all this week we have continued with our number and money work. Some of 9G are now beginning to remember number bonds to 5, and are giving amounts to money to an adult in 1p or other coin combinations!

We then continued to work…

14 May

9G Share a Worry - Mental Health Awareness Week

9G know it is important to talk about our feelings. This is something we do in morning and afternoon group every day.

This week we have focused on this even more, making sure our bodies are ready for the day and ensuring we talk about our worries and what we can do for our mental…

14 May

9G Summer 1 Week 3 and 4

What a busy two weeks for 9G! There has been so much going on!

9G have continued with number, money and practicing our independence skills in the workstation. 

We have also made a start on our Camper vans. We designed our ideas, and then began painting them with our chosen colours. With some…

30 Apr

9G Wear Red!

Today 9G wore red to celebrate standing against racism. 

In class we spoke about what racism is, and how we have to be kind to everyone no matter what their differences. We read the story ‘We are all different’, and then took part in some circle time activities. We spoke about what makes us…

23 Apr

9G Summer 1 Week 2

Another very sunny and fabulous week in 9G!

On Monday we started the week with My Thinking and Problem Solving where we continued with our number work and started to show how well we know our coins. Some learners were matching coins, and others were able to show they knew the names of the…

16 Apr

9G are Happy Campers!

Welcome back 9G!

It has been a lovely first week back! 

9G settled back in very quickly on the first day. We had a lovely circle time in the morning where we took turns to share out weekend news, played some communication games and had a good catch up! Then in the afternoon we were very…