13 Sep

Beech Class explore the colour blue 2024

Beech Class have had a fantastic week 2 still settling in and exploring the colour blue! 

We have enjoyed exploring the sensory trays filled with flour, sand and glitter! We also had an exciting music lesson on Tuesday, taking turns to play the wind chimes and the drum.

Throughout the…

6 Sep

Our first week in Beech class 2024-2025

Wow what an amazing first week back in Beech class.

We have enjoyed welcoming our new classmates who have all settled in wonderfully and have had a lovely time exploring their new classroom, sensory room and the playground! 

We are so excited for the year ahead! 

Have a well rested…

19 Jul

A Great Year in Beech Class 2024

Wow what an amazing year we have had in beech class!

We have explored so many new topics from bears and toys, colour my world, changes and growth, houses and homes and looked at the people who help us.

We’ve celebrated so much including lots of birthdays, Easter, Halloween, Christmas and…

5 Jul

Exploring summer in Beech class

This week we have been exploring all things summer!

We’ve explored a spaghetti sunshine sensory tray, tried on sunglasses, made foam ice creams, and painted handprint suns.

We’ve even made our own ice creams with chocolate sauce and sprinkles!

So much fun!

28 Jun

Bakers and Builders in Beech

Beech class have had lots of fun learning about more “people who help us”.

Last week we explored ”bakers”. We’ve explored lots of flour, practiced counting “five currant buns”, and made bakers hats! In attention autism, Mrs Barrand also made pancakes and pretend pizzas. 

This week we…

21 Jun

Beech class sports week 2024

Beech class have had a very active week for sports week!

We went down to the sports court and had lots of fun running around, exploring the balance bikes, and playing with the parachute. We’ve also enjoyed our daily walks around the track and playing with our friends on the…

14 Jun

Doctors, Dentists and Paramedics in Beech

Beech class have had a lovely week learning about more “people who help us”. 

We had lots of fun exploring “doctors”. We dressed up as doctors, explored stethoscopes and doctors’ tools, and sang “polly had a dolly”.

To explore “dentists”, we practiced brushing big teeth, read a book…

6 Jun

Firefighters and police in Beech class

This half term, Beech class are exploring “people who help us”. 

We started the week by exploring firefighters. We sang “5 little firemen”, explored fire engines, and put out pretend fires with spray bottles. 

We also explored the police. We dressed up as policemen, completed jigsaw…

23 May

Beech class explore the zoo

As the finale to our “houses and homes” topic, this week we have explored zoo animals and their natural habitats.

First, we explored the artic. Mrs Barrand made magic snow and built an igloo for the polar bears.

Then, we explored the jungle. We explored had lots of fun exploring jungle…

17 May

Animal homes in Beech

This week in Beech class we have explored different animal homes.

First, we explored ducks and frogs in the pond. We painted lily pads, sang “5 little frogs” and “5 little ducks”, and explored blue sand. 

On Tuesday, we explored Mrs Hen’s nest. We had lots of fun exploring eggs; we…

10 May

Beech Class explore Homes and Habitats


This week Beech class have been exploring homes and habitats. 

In attention autism we watched Mrs Barrand make a bug house, spider webs and mud houses for the pigs! We have enjoyed making playdoh insects, decorating our own spider webs and had a turn at making our own houses for the…

2 May

Building and construction in Beech

This week we have been exploring building and construction!

We’ve explored building blocks, made houses out of recycled materials, and explored trucks and diggers. 

Some of us also dressed up as builders and explored tool toys.

Well done everyone!