28 Jun

Willow Class - Quadkids

This afternoon, Willow were very lucky to avoid the rain! We headed to Westway Sports Hub, to represent Astley Park School at the Quadkids event. Willow class completed various activities and challenges and made Astley Park proud. 

Well Done Willow Class! 

16 Jun

Rainbow Day in Willow

Willow Class have been very busy this week celebrating what makes us different. 

We started the week learning more about each others families, using the ‘willow class family tree’ to talk about our different family members and had lots of fun looking at how much we have changed and grown since…

8 Jun

A Maths Morning in Willow!

This half-term in our maths sessions, Willow Class are learning about handling data - exploring different ways to gather, record and present information that is helpful to others. 

We have started learning about ‘pictographs’ and this morning explored what a pictograph is and how we can use…

19 May

Willow Make Pizza!

Willow class invited parents to a cooking session to show off all the skills we have been developing over the Spring and Summer term. We have been working on our independent learning (following schedules), organisation, safety skills and social skills. Some of our parents could join us and saw our…

12 May

We’re Going on a Picnic

This term in ‘Workshop’, Willow Class are designing and making their own picnic basket! 

We have been busy thinking about what we would take on a picnic if we got to choose and how big our basket would have to be to fit all our yummy food items in.

This week, Willow Class were tasked with…

11 May

Coronation Celebrations in Willow Class

Willow Class had a brilliant and busy time last week learning about and celebrating the King’s Coronation!

We participated in a range of activities including circle time, making keepsake clay crowns, sensory fun, tea party role play, games and a fabulous royal afternoon tea lunch on…

31 Mar

Willow Go Wild at Blackpool Zoo!

We have had a fantastic term in Willow Class learning about people who help us and how to keep safe throughout our topic, Emergency Emergency! 

To finish our learning and for an end of term treat, Willow Class and Upper-Primary visited Blackpool Zoo on Wednesday. Everyone had a wonderful time…

30 Mar

Willow Class Meet Miss Walkden!

On Monday, Willow had a very special visitor in class - Miss Walkden! 

Willow Class had great fun meeting their new teacher, asking questions in circle time and sharing learning activities. 

Miss Walkden will be joining the Willow Class team after the Easter Holidays, working Monday, Tuesday…

30 Mar

Milkshakes in Willow Class

This term Willow Class have been learning about kitchen safety during our cooking lessons. We have been thinking about risks and hazards in the kitchen and how we can keep ourselves safe.

For a treat before the Easter break, our cooking group made milkshakes! We followed a recipe and used the…

22 Mar

Leon’s 10th birthday

On Tuesday Leon celebrated his 10th birthday.

Willow class had great fun helping Leon celebrate, we danced, played musical statues and enjoyed lot’s of yummy party snacks.

Leon was very excited for his friends to sing happy birthday to him and to blow his candles out on his cake.


3 Mar

Fire Fire, Emergency Emergency

Before half term our special visitor was Dawn from the fire station.

All the children were very excited to ask their questions that they had thought of. As well as asking our questions we looked at lots of different photos that Dawn had brought of different incidents that the fire service help…

3 Mar

Willow Class - World Hearing Day 2023

This morning half of Willow class participated in Circle Time activities surrounding ‘World Hearing Day’. We learned that people who struggle to hear are called ‘deaf’. We discussed different ways we communicate and what it means to be ‘deaf’. It was lovely to hear Willow class sharing their ideas…