3 Mar

World Book Day in Willow Class

Willow had a wonderful day yesterday celebrating World Book Day in class. We saw a mixture of characters and own clothes - some of us even enjoyed dressing up with props and teacher costumes!


Across the day we explored different activities celebrating stories. We learned a new dance linked…

24 Feb

Pancake Day in Willow Class

This week Willow class explored pancakes during our kitchen safety activities. In our groups we identified hazards and risks making pancakes in the kitchen and what would be safe choices, if we were cooking pancakes. 

We had fun practicing flipping cold pancakes, discussing how we needed to be…

20 Feb

International Day of Girls and Women in Science - Willow Class

Today Willow Class listened to the story “Hidden Figures” to celebrate International Day of Girls and Women in Science. We had a fantastic discussion about equality and some of us decided we would love to be astronauts! We all agreed that the Hidden Figures did a super job at ensuring planes and…

16 Feb

Holiday Heroes: Group 2 (Spring Term)

This week Group 2 have had lots of fun!

On Tuesday, we went to Brew and Buddies for a morning of play. We were even lucky enough to have our lunch there - we had a choice of pizza, sandwiches, crisps, chips and biscuits!

On Thursday, we had the bouncy castle and AllDay Farm visited with lots…

7 Feb

Safer Internet Day in Willow Class #SaferInternetDay #SID2023

Willow Class have had a fabulous Safer Internet Day. We joined the Google assembly this morning and we were super at answering questions about online safety - we even got a school shout out from the team at Google! We then read a story called “Didgiduck and the Magic Castle” and talked about the…

6 Feb

Children’s Mental Health Week in Willow Class

This week for Children’s Mental Health Week, we will be thinking about how the connections we have with others are good for our mental health. We started the week by playing a hoop game, where we had to stay connected and pass a hoop around the circle. As we passed the hoop around, we talked about…

30 Jan

Willow Class learn all about the work of lifeguards

Today we were visited by our very own Astley Park Lifeguard - Miss Potter! We had the opportunity to ask her questions to find out about the work of lifeguards before we tried on the lifeguard uniform and pretended to jump in the pool and save someone. We watched videos of lifeguards working and…

26 Jan

Willow learn about Sikhism for World Religion Week!

Last week was World Religion Week in school and Willow class got to learn about Sikhism alongside their daily learning and curriculum activities. 

On Monday, we explored different foods popular in the Sikhism culture, using our senses. 

On Wednesday we cooked special recipes that are popular…

25 Jan

A police surprise for Willow Class

This week on our community walks, whilst practicing our road safety skills, we have been looking for inspiration for the emergency vehicles that we are creating in our workshop sessions. We walked to the police station in two groups, one group on Monday and one group on Tuesday to take some…

18 Jan

Welcome to the Willow Class Workshop!

This term in Willow Class we will be creating our own emergency vehicles that move in our "Emergency! Emergency!" workshop sessions. This week, on Monday we designed our vehicles. On Tuesday, we began to use wheels and axels to begin the making process! I can't wait to show you the finished…

9 Jan

Nurse Amy visits Willow and Sycamore!

As part of our theme, “Emergency! Emergency!”, Nurse Amy, who is our class governor in Willow Class, came to see us today to tell us all about the job of a nurse. Some of Sycamore Class joined us to find out about the job of a nurse too. 

Before Nurse Amy arrived, we thought about questions…

6 Jan

What will Willow Class be learning about this half term?

This term, our class theme is "Emergency! Emergency!" Willow class are really excited about this theme and there will lots of interesting learning opportunities provided this half term. We will have the opportunity to meet people who help in emergencies, such as nurses, police officers and…