23 Jan

Willow class enjoying the snow

Willow class enjoyed exploring the snow last week. We went on a winter walk and tried to find things on our sheets, we found footprints in the snow, a frozen spider’s web, catkins, frost and other things!

We then played in the snow and made a snowman, the children were really good at rolling…

18 Jan

Willow class learn about Islam

Willow class have been learning about Islam as part of World Religion Week. Everyone engaged well in a special “What’s in the box” session which was all about Islam.  We listened to the Call To Prayer and the children could choose to try on a hijab or a taqiyah and kneel on a prayer mat. We…

15 Jan

Arav’s 11th Birthday in Willow class

Arav had an amazing birthday in Willow class. He celebrated with all of his friends and shared lovely cupcakes with them. We sang Happy Birthday and danced to some party songs. It was a great day!


12 Jan

Happy New Year in Willow class

Happy New Year from Willow class!  Our fabulous learners have all returned from their Christmas break energised and ready to engage in their new topic. This term we are looking at Homes and Habitats. We made a start by looking at different types of homes and we talked about the houses built by the…

22 Dec

Christmas celebrations in Willow class

Willow class have had a week jam packed with Christmas events.

Everybody was very excited to perform in the Christmas shows on Monday and Tuesday, then on Wednesday we had a class trip to Escape Entertainment Centre where our pupils took part in ten pin bowling. We practised our road safety…

15 Dec

Willow class have festive fun with Chorley Sports Partnership

On Wednesday, pupils from Willow class attended an Inclusive Festival run by Chorley Sports Partnership at All Seasons Leisure Centre. There were lots of sports to try including dodgeball, volleyball, football and basketball. We also enjoyed dancing to Christmas music and throwing snowballs at the…

8 Dec

Wonderful week in Willow

In Willow class this week, we enjoyed holding a Sharing Our Learning event where parents were able to join their children making melting snowman biscuits, completing Christmas crafts and watching PowerPoint presentations that some pupils had made about themselves. 

We enjoyed walking to Asda on…

10 Nov

Willow class, Autumn 2, week 2

Another week has flown by in Willow class, please read on to learn about some of the fantastic work we’ve been doing…….

In My Communication, we have started to focus on our handwriting and letter formation, everyone enjoyed getting their fingers warmed up for writing with Play-dough Gym. We…

3 Nov

Willow class return after half-term

It’s been great to see our fantastic Willow pupils back in school and we have all enjoyed hearing about what they did in the holidays. 
On Tuesday, we celebrated Halloween by holding a party in class. Children were invited to wear fancy dress costumes, they made Halloween crafts, they played…

3 Nov

Bowling success for Willow team!

On Wednesday some of our Willow class pupils attended a Chorley Sports Partnership bowling competition at Escape in Chorley.

We competed against five other schools, having lots of fun taking turns and cheering on our friends. 

Once all the schools had finished there was an awards ceremony,…

19 Oct

Week 7 in Willow class

It’s been another busy week in Willow class, we have reached the end of this half term and everyone in Willow class is very excited about the holidays (and Halloween)!

This week, we have continued our focus on money and have been practicing counting, adding and multiplying in our toy shop. We…

13 Oct

Week 6 in Willow class

We’ve had a fantastic time in Willow class this week.

We’ve continued exploring puppets as part of our Toybox topic and whilst half of the children were swimming, the others planned and performed their own puppet shows.

We had a maths challenge this week when Mrs Mahood brought in a big…