3 Little Pigs visit Chestnut Class
Good afternoon,
The Chestnut pupils have been very busy this week learning about the three little pigs - linked to our topic of ‘Down On The Farm’. The pupils have enjoyed ‘pig’ themed attention autism activities, participated in a sensory story and made piggy cakes and biscuits. The pupils…

8P make mocktails !
In 8P today the children have obsevered how a mock tail is made.
Then as a class we discussed the equipment and ingredients we will need to make our very own mocktail.
The class all worked super hard independently to write a list of Ingredients and instructions how to make the perfect…

“We’re going on a bear hunt” and journeys in Beech class
This term Beech class have been exploring our theme “journeys”.
We started with Mrs Barrand telling us the story “We’re going on a bear hunt” in attention autism before exploring the obstacles ourselves in trays! We stomped through the wavy grass, stepped carefully through the twigs, squelched…

Summer 1 Week 4 in Rowan Class
We have had a very busy week 4 in Rowan Class.
Exploring flowers and plants, commenting on stories, following instructions to plant seeds and make sandwiches.
We have enjoyed trips to Asda and followed the shopping list brilliantly!
We did some fantastic turn taking with the rocket - and…

Coronation Celebrations in Willow Class
Willow Class had a brilliant and busy time last week learning about and celebrating the King’s Coronation!
We participated in a range of activities including circle time, making keepsake clay crowns, sensory fun, tea party role play, games and a fabulous royal afternoon tea lunch on…

Sycamore swimming superstars!
Today in Sycamore class we have worked very hard with our swimming lesson.
5 of our pupils today have secured their puffin swim award for swimming 5m with a swim aid independently.
What a great achievement!
All of your hard work and consistency each week is paying off. You should…

Sycamore get creative with digital art!
Sycamore class used iPads to create some imaginative selfies for digital art.
Each child used an iPad and travelled around school to find exciting places to take a selfie. Some children chose to share a selfie with a friend or a teacher, whilst some choose to take a silly selfie alone .

Happy 16th Birthday Thomas
On Friday in 11G the pupils celebrated Thomas’ 16th birthday at Escape Entertainment in Chorley.
We all travelled in style on the new 9 seater minibus.
The pupils had pre-ordered their lunch. Some of them had pizza, which looked yummy! Others chose cheeseburger and pasta. They all enjoyed…
Coronation Celebrations in Sycamore
Sycamore have had a wonderful fun and busy day celebrating the Kings Coronation!

9A Coronation Celebrations
9A has had a fantastic time celebrating the King’s Coronation this week!
We enjoyed a range of activities in the hall, as well as in class activities, including:
- compass work involving key words linked to the Coronation (as part of our My Thinking and Problem Solving learning)

Coronation Celebrations in Rowan Class
We have had lots of fun exploring and celebrating the King's Coronation!
We have enjoyed sensory stories, a Royal What's in the Box, a lovely street party lunch and lots of sensory fun, games and crafts in the hall.
Have a lovely Coronation Weekend Rowan Class - hopefully the sun will come…

Fudge,Dec and Beccaaaaaa come to visit.
This week 7A had some special visitors. Fudge, Dec and Beccaaaaaa the chicks. Sycamore have been working on life cycles and from incubator to hatching.
Sycamore class bought the chicks to visit. We had to be extremely quiet as they were only 7 days old.
Mrs Banks took them out of the cage and…