Week 5 in Rowan Class
Another busy week in Rowan Class.
We have continued with our topic Down at the Farm, enjoying Attention Autism sessions, outdoor number games, sensory stories, sandwich making and lots of gardening in the Rowan Class garden.
We have had lots of fun learning outdoors, especially with the…

11G Continue their Triathlon
On Thursday afternoon 11G went to Astley Park to take part in their 30k walk in aid of Rosemere Cancer Foundation.
Some of the pupils walked around the perimeter of the park, meeting up halfway round at the cafe. While the others walked up to the cafe and back to the entrance.
We all…

Astley Park Feel Zen!
Kelsang Pagpa came to school today to share the main beliefs of Buddhism and to lead meditation for pupils ahead of Buddha Day next week.
Pagpa explained that the Buddhist way of life is very normal and that he feels at home when teaching at the Buddhist Centre in Preston. He expressed that he…

Sycamore - Who can I trust ?
Sycamore have been learning all about adults who we can trust. The children used a combination of their own family photos, strangers that we know are safe e.g doctors and police and strangers that are not safe to categorise in the circle of trust .
Mrs Banks worked with this group and started…

Sycamore learn about baptism
In sycamore today with Mrs Crouch the children learned all about baptism . As a class we talked about what a baptism is and what it means . Mrs Crouch showed the children how to baptise a baby , then all of the children had a go at being the Vicor to baptise the baby.
The children used ‘holy…

11G Rosemere fundraisers- Triathlon- Swimming
11G are raising funds for Rosemere Cancer Foundation. We have decided to complete a triathlon, swimming - 4000m, walking - 30 km and cycling at the gym.
On Tuesday the pupils went to All Seasons swimming pool. They managed to swim a total of 162 lengths between them. What an achievement!!!!

The day the Buddhist Monk came to visit.
Today we had a visit from a Buddhist Monk, Kelsang Pagpa. All Buddhist monks are named Kelsang which means ‘fortunate one’ and his name Pagpa means ‘realised ultimate truth’.
He wore orange robes which are meant to symbolize simplicity and detachment of materialism.
He spoke to us about how…

10G Share their Learning with Parents and Week 4 Summer Term
A very big thank you to everyone who made it to our Sharing Our Learning session on Tuesday this week. We hope you all had a brilliant time with us. The afternoon featured a mixture of activities: cooking and art. For our cooking session, pupils were given the task of making pizza for their…

8A Last of the Bank Holidays!
Well that’s the last of the Bank Holiday weeks for us. We continue to get busy in 8A. Our whole class trips took us to Astley Park this week. The weather was kind to us as we walked there and enjoyed some time on the park. The clouds began to appear so we set off back to school to miss the rain.

The King’s Coronation Week.
Our week started on Tuesday after the Mayday Bank holiday. We went on our full class trip out to Withy Grove Park. We are continuing to have fun and are working really well as a full class on these trips. We arrived back at school tired and ready for lunch after the fresh air and exercise.

We’re Going on a Picnic
This term in ‘Workshop’, Willow Class are designing and making their own picnic basket!
We have been busy thinking about what we would take on a picnic if we got to choose and how big our basket would have to be to fit all our yummy food items in.
This week, Willow Class were tasked with…

7A Bake Off and library visit
This week was very exciting in 7A… we were decorating our Coronation cakes in our Bake Off competition!
Everyone found their designs and got to work on their masterpieces. We rolled out icing (some may have been eaten along the way!!) and cut out pieces to make the designs. We had different…