10 Feb

Let’s Connect in 10G

On Wednesday we talked about things we liked, we found pictures and airdropped them to Mrs Cobham. When they had been printed we added them to our speech bubbles. Then we used wool to connect to each other. The board looked messy but it showed the things that connect us. 

We played a game where…

10 Feb

11G’s brilliant end to the term!!!

What an exhausting last week. 11G have been so busy this week. It has been mental health week in school so we have done lots of activities to promote our mental well-being. We having been looking at all our school values and working as a team. 

On Tuesday morning we went to All Seasons Leisure…

9 Feb

Chestnut Class Newsround

Well, it’s been a busy last two weeks in Chestnut Class. We have been looking at Doctors in our Emergency! Emergency! Topic and the story of Ness the Nurse.  The pupils have enjoyed practicing putting plasters on our dollies and teddies. 

To mark Children’s Mental Health Week, we have used…

8 Feb

Safer Internet Day @Astley Park

Another amazing Safer Internet Day at Astley Park School.


Many pupils learned the importance of understanding of reasonable and healthy time on iPad. Something we can all struggle with is recognising when we have spent too long on a device. Many of our pupils are working hard with this…

8 Feb

Mental Health Awareness in 11R

We all know the importance of looking after our mental health in 11R- however this week we have been focusing on our worries and anxieties, looking at how they show themselves in in us- and some strategies that we use to help us!

We looked at positives, rather than things that we struggle…

7 Feb

Safer Internet Day in Willow Class #SaferInternetDay #SID2023

Willow Class have had a fabulous Safer Internet Day. We joined the Google assembly this morning and we were super at answering questions about online safety - we even got a school shout out from the team at Google! We then read a story called “Didgiduck and the Magic Castle” and talked about the…

7 Feb

Celebrating Chinese New Year in 11R !


In 11R we have had a fantastic week celebrating Chinese New Year ! We have been finding out fun facts about Chinese New Year and sharing with our friends, making origami rabbits followed by an hilarious game of Chinese whispers.

7 Feb

Maple Class fun at The Space Centre

On Friday 3rd February Maple Class headed to the Space Centre in Preston. we had a fantastic time with our friends, accessing the swing for vestibular input, the fibre optics for visual and tactile stimulation and the responsive flooring which gave audio and visual feedback when pressed. We had a…

6 Feb

Children’s Mental Health Week in Willow Class

This week for Children’s Mental Health Week, we will be thinking about how the connections we have with others are good for our mental health. We started the week by playing a hoop game, where we had to stay connected and pass a hoop around the circle. As we passed the hoop around, we talked about…

6 Feb

8P Spring Term Swimming

We have loved getting back into our swimming lessons this term!

Please enjoy this collection of photos from the last few weeks…


3 Feb

Week 5 8A

Well this week our class as always had fun. Out and about on our usual community visits. We now have a table reservation when we visit the Cappuccino@the hub, and the pupils are gaining confidence with their independence. We have problem solved situations ourselves and asked for straws…

3 Feb

Happy 13th Birthday Grace.

Well we’ve had another birthday today in 8A. Today it was Grace’s turn to become a teenager. Grace was lucky enough to receive some gifts and cards from her friends. In return she shared some delicious cup cakes with her friends and staff. The class enjoyed some games and dancing before tucking…