12 Oct

Our First 'Chill and Chat' Session

Our first 'Chill and Chat' session took place yesterday. It was lovely for parents/carers to have the opportunity to chat together over a cup of coffee and slice of cake.


Our next get together will take place on 6th December at 1:00pm. Further details to follow.


Hope to see you all…

10 Oct

Happy birthday William!

On Friday we celebrated William’s birthday as his birthday was over the weekend when he wouldn’t be in school. William kindly brought in some lovely Pokémon cakes so the class sung happy birthday and gave three cheers before William blew out his candle and made a wish!

We hope you had a lovely…

10 Oct

Week 5 in 10R!

10R have had a busy week this week!

On Monday we had our food technology lesson where we made frittatas, something that was new to our learners, and we used our personal safety knowledge when using the utensils and the oven. We also had our weekly session at Chorley leisure centre where we are…

7 Oct

9A busy week

We have had a very busy week this week in 9A! 



In our My Communication lessons, half of the class have been learning about the book - “Meg and Mog” and half of the class have been studying passages from Harry Potter. They have all engaged really well with their new learning and have…

7 Oct

10G's busy 5th week back at school

Another busy week in 10G this week! On Monday morning we began our topic of Letters and Postcards in our Key Stage 4 English work. One group of pupils were sorting letters and postcards into groups. Another group were working with Mrs Fisher to look at the physical differences between postcards…

7 Oct

Chestnut Class and the Three Bears!

What a wonderful week we have had in a Chestnut Class! 


At the start of the week we explored the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, learners have explored playing in porridge, filling up bowls with porridge and making their own porridge. We have also created some wonderful bear…

7 Oct

8P Non-Uniform Day and Dancing

This week in 8P we have continued building up our hand eye coordination and fine motor skills. We made fish by threading ribbons to make scales. We continued to weave baskets and thread beads. 
Weather walk got a bit wetter this week, but it didn’t put us off going out and taking our daily…

7 Oct

Rowan Class explore feelings

Rowan Class have enjoyed exploring different feelings this week. We matched, copied and sang about different feelings. We enjoyed the Colour Monster sensory story and made happy fruit pancakes.

For our topic, Around the World, we have been learning about the book, 'Handa's Surprise'. We used…

7 Oct

8A's Marvelous Marvel Comics

Good afternoon, all,

This week has been another blockbuster in 8A!

Let’s start with our Star of the Week Award.  This week’s winner goes to Gemma.  Gemma has been fantastic all week, showing great friendship skills throughout and showing improved participation in her PE lessons.

Way to…

7 Oct

Green means go!

This week Oak Class’ core word was ‘Go!’ Pupils responded to ready, steady, go across contexts including on the bikes.

We have also been studying Handa’s Surprise through song and sensory trays. Some beautiful artwork has been produced by expressing colour and media choices. Some of the boys…

7 Oct

7A Building friendships at Legoland.

7A went to Legoland in Manchester this week. We have been looking forward to it allllllll week and it didn’t disappoint!

When we arrived we had to queue up, while queuing up we saw some of what was to come, Hagrid, Darth Vader and tubes full of Lego. 
7A then got into the lift, which was very…

6 Oct

Bubbles, Balloons & Ice-Cream In Beech Class

The weeks are flying by in Beech Class!!

This week there has been bubbles, balloons, jelly, tea parties, and much more. 
Today we have all had a go at making our own ice-cream cones. We picked a cone, scooped out the chilly ice-cream and placed it into our cone. We then made it colourful with…