13 Jan

11G Chorley in Bloom 12 January 2021


We had great fun on our first visit to Chorley in Bloom.  
After a short ride on the school mini bus we arrived at the community garden. We meet two lovely ladies that are going to help us.  Each one of us got a little yellow bag, which had seeds for us to look at . Gill and Iris told us…

12 Jan

11G visit Living Waters Storehouse (Chorley Food Bank) with our reverse advent donations.

We decided at the end of November- that it would be a good thing to help others and do a ‘Reverse Advent’ collecting food and toiletries to donate to our local foodbank.

So each day in December- we collected items-we got all of the other classes and Governors  involved in our project and…

17 Dec

11Gs Alpaca Experience

On Thursday the 16th of December 11G were lucky enough to get to meet the Alpacas that came to visit Astley Park School. We got to stroke them, walk them around the school hall and feed them. We found it quite ticklish when they ate their food out of our hands but managed to stay very still. We…

15 Dec

A Christmas fun filled morning in 11G

Well that was a really festive morning in 11G!
We started with a huge breakfast- the selection included croissants, pancakes, brioche buns, waffles, toast, cereal and fruit- washed down with luxury hot chocolate with cream and mallows.

Goodness me we were so full that we could hardly move-…

8 Dec

11g sharing our learning 8th December


After all our hard work over this term, we invited our parents to see what we have been doing in ASDAN. We’ve  been working really hard on looking after our environment and recycling. We looked at all different kinds of things that you can recycle. We looked at things that are good and bad…

7 Dec

Reverse Advent with 11G

Alongside our usual chocolate Advent calendar- this year Mrs McShane and all of us in 11G decided that we would do something a little bit different- we came up with an idea to help people in our local community by making a donation of foods and toiletries to our local food bank, we are…

30 Nov

Celebrating St Andrews Day in 11G

We were all excited today in 11G for two reasons- tomorrow we can officially start to talk about Christmas and today we were going to learn all about St Andrew.

At the beginning of the lesson we really didn’t know very much about the patron saint of Scotland, but after listening to a…

24 Nov

St Andrew’s Day Celebrations at Astley Park School!

On Tuesday 30th November, we will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day in classes. Some classes will be celebrating this through sensory play with water, some will be focusing on the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand, whilst others while be exploring the life of St Andrew using information…

16 Nov

Odd Sock Day in 11G

On Monday 15 November all of us in 11G celebrated Odd Sock Day!

Odd Sock Day is a National Annual event celebrating what makes us unique!

It is celebrated at the beginning of Friendship week.

10 Nov

Children in Need fun in 11G

What a fun filled day we’ve had in 11G- celebrating Children in Need 2021!

We started off by researching  exactly what Children in Need actually means- it was quite emotional- and made us all realise how lucky we all are!

We created Pudsey masks, bookmarks, and completed a reflective…

5 Nov

11G Look at keeping safe on Bonfire night 5 th November


Today we had a class discussion about fireworks. We talked about keeping safe while enjoying bonfire night, and following the fire work code. Which reminds us to look after our pets, stand well back, never go near to a firework . We had lots of good ideas on keep safe. 

We made our own…

4 Nov

11G Finding out about Diwali

Today 11G found out lots of new information about Diwali.
We looked at power points and had fun using the internet to help us find the answers to Miss Robertson question sheet.  We looked at rangoli patterns and made some of our own…..great fun. 

Elephants are an important symbol in…