27 Jun

Teamwork at its best in 11G

A day for amazing teamwork-we created our own pasta bake.

After we put the pasta on to cook- Alex M chopped the onion, Alex L the red pepper, Mason the redone and Calum the green one, Dylan chopped the courgette, Faith chopped the mushrooms, Hayden chopped the pepperoni and Amelia added…

24 Jun

11g having fun in sports week 2022

Oh what a fantastic week we have had.  The sunshine  made our week great. We managed to try all different kinds of things from bike riding to orienteering. You can see by the smiles on our faces we had a ball. 


17 Jun

Celebrating LGBTQ+ with 11G

All of us in 11G are very good at accepting that every person is unique and special!

This week we have been concentrating and learning all about LGBTQ+ and celebrating diversity and the fact that everyone is different and together we all create a rainbow! 
We have found out lots of…

6 Jun

A Very Special Occasion in 11G

After celebrating the Queens Jubilee over the last few days- we are all getting used to partying and today we carried on at school as our teacher -  Miss Robertson was celebrating her birthday- and a birthday isn’t a birthday without yummy chocolate cake!

27 May

11g had an amazing week ended off by the fair ground coming to school. 2022

11g have had a wonderful day at the funfair and celebrating the Queen’s jubilee.

27 May

Celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in Style!

Wow! What an absolutely fantastic day we have all had celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee at the Astley Park Funfair!! Pupils and staff have enjoyed a day full of excitement and nobody could keep a smile off their face when they walked into the school decorated in red, white and…

20 May

Independent Travel in 11G

What a task some of the pupils in 11G had this week- as part of our ASDAN accreditation- we had to undertake a journey independently (being shadowed by a member of staff.)

The journey that we decided was from school to our local Police Station, crossing several roads, keeping ourselves safe…

13 May

Mental health week in 11g

11g have had a fantastic week looking at our own mental health. We have been outside getting lots of fresh air, riding bikes. We helped out keeping our school clean and tidy. We where give a box of chocolate in appreciation for helping out. Which did our mental health the world of good…

1 Apr

Year 11 Sponsored Swim

Well done to everyone who took part in yesterday’s Sponsored Swim!
We swam a total of 139  lengths of Brinscall Baths- Mrs McShane joined in and swam 10 lengths taking our total to 149 lengths!
Thank you to everyone who have supported this event - raising vital funds for our end of school…

31 Mar

Saturday Run in The Park


Chorley School Sports Partnership Astley Park Run 26th March 2022.

After being prepared to train each week at school, the day of the run at Astley Park arrived for Alex, Mason, Noah and Alex M. Their Challenge was for each to compete in the run, represent APS and finish without stopping…

25 Mar

Football Champions

It was a pleasure on Wednesday to take 13 pupils and 3 staff members to represent Astley Park School at Lancashire Special Schools U14 and U16 football league playing 8 competitive games in very warm conditions. Both teams played each game with a positive team spirit working hard for each other…

24 Mar

One week to Year 11’s Sponsored Swim!

One week to go to our Sponsored Swim!

We have all been practicing very hard- we just need to collect lots of sponsors! The more money we make- the better our Prom Day will be