4 Nov

Crafting our Values with Victoria Hough

Victoria Hough is an artist who specialises in working with groups of children to create exciting pieces of art. We invited her into Astley Park School to help us create a masterpiece to incorporate our new school values of Kindness, Respect, Honesty, Positivity and Teamwork. Victoria worked with…

1 Nov

Our Leavers Hoodies have arrived!

We had a lovely surprise today- we have all been waiting patiently- and today- it finally happened! Our Leavers 22 Hoodies arrived! We couldn’t wait to try them on, we all felt (and looked) very important, smart and grown up! We definitely stand out from the crowd!

A massive Thank You to…

21 Oct

Halloween Pumpkin Competition

Congratulations to Class 7P who are the winners of our Halloween Pumpkin competition.  Mr Welsh and Mrs Millard were our judges for today and had a difficult decision due to the fantastic effort classes had made.

Mr Welsh presented 7P class and all the other classes with some lovely halloween…

21 Oct

11G Black history month



We have been busy looking at Black History Month.

We looked at article’s, watched video clips and power points.

Then as a class we discussed things we had seen.

We where shocked with some of the things we saw.

We made books about Rosa Parks, a very brave women who changed the…

15 Oct

11G …..yes l can !


11G  have be busy this week.

We have been looking at things that We can do .  These ranged from making a cup of tea for our family, to playing with family and friends. We found out that we could do lots of things on our own. Doing things for someone else or for yourselve makes you feel…

13 Oct

11G does Strictly Come Dancing

We have had lots of fun in 11G- our PE this half term has been Dance! We’ve been looking at different styles of dance each week- this week has been Ballroom!
Oh my goodness the professionals on Strictly Come Dancing make it look so easy! But we had lots of fun practising our moves! I’m sure…

4 Oct

Happy 16th Birthday Dylan from 11G


Today we celebrated a very important date- Dylan’s 16th Birthday! We had a lovely time singing to him- but the best thing was eating cake! Dylan really enjoyed the fuss we made of him, he loved his presents- and enjoyed celebrating with his friends.

30 Sep

11G Get to the park independently.


What a lovely day to go down to the park. Alex and Mason had the big responsibility of getting us all to Astley Park and back safely.  They took it in turned to stop at the curb, look for traffic and then make the big desion if it was safe to cross the road. Well done, you got us all to the…

30 Sep

11G new digital leader.



11g are pleased to announce that Faith became our new digital leader. 
After doing an electronic application along with other candidates they where sent The Digital lead coordinator where all applicants where viewed , short listed . Congratulations on achieving  digital lead for 11g .…

17 Sep

11G’s Jeans for Gene’s Day!


Today 11G have been learning all about what jeans for genes day is, why we celebrate it and we learnt some facts another different genetic conditions. We learnt that the money we contributed went to help support children and families with different genetic conditions. We all designed our…

10 Sep

Amelia turns 16 - 11G


11G have had a great first week back. They have all thoroughly enjoyed being back together and have enjoyed playing new games with one another. They have been on the climbing frame, been on a scavenger hunt, practised their reading skills, practised meditating, worked on their maths skills…

10 Sep

11G Final Goodbyes...Graduation assembly and Prom

Well that's finally it!! On Thursday we said goodbye to our wonderful 11G leavers.  Parents were invited into school for the graduation assembly. The students arrived prom ready and looked spectacular. Mr Welsh spoke about the achievements and the resilience of all of the leavers and awarded them…