24 Jan

World Religion Week


We have had a fantastic week at Astley Park celebrating World Religion! Pupils have participated in a range of activities across Key Stages and pathways focusing on the 6 major religions. Governor, Mr Maher even came to visit and see all of the wonderful, memorable activities taking…

21 Jan

11G- Happy Birthday Alex

Happy 16th Birthday Alex! We hope you have a lovely day and like all of your presents. We loved celebrating it with you in class and eating cake together.

21 Jan

10G Boss Boulder UK

What an exciting time we had at Boulder UK this week. 
We put on our special climbing shoes and listened to the safety rules. 
We were put into two groups with Keith and Sadie as our leaders.

Our first job was to see if we could stand on the climbing holds safely.

We all managed this…

21 Jan

World religion week in 9G

This week it’s been World Religion Week. 


9G looked at 10 flags and they had to name the countries. The staff were amazed on their answers… We had the UK, USA, Brazil, China, Kenya, Israel, Australia, India, Russia and Japan. 

This lead onto different religions, Christianity, Judaism,…

21 Jan

Rowan Class - Spring 1 Week 3

Rowan Class have been looking at Christianity as part of World Religion Week. We built churches from blocks, made stained glass windows with paper and card, and copied Christian symbols with chalk and natural objects. We enjoyed swimming again this week, became a lot more independent in cookery,…

21 Jan

7P Get back to it!

7P have been busy since they have returned to school! 

We have been introduced to our class topic of We are Going on a Safari, and worked together to create our own mindfulness colouring large safari wall. We can’t wait to show you when it is finished! 

As part of our My Thinking and…

21 Jan

A productive week in 7A !

This week has been a little different in 7A , but that didn’t stop them . 
This week we have engaged in lots of fun activities and even had a go at some challenges . 

We have enjoyed some leaping and landing gymnastics in PE . Some of this felt a little but scary for some children on the…

21 Jan

The Hungry Caterpillar in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut Class have had a great time getting stuck into our Mini beast topic by reading The Hungry Caterpillar. We have enjoyed learning about different types of fruit, making choices and working on our fine motor skills to chop, peel and make delicious fruit skewers. We have been…

19 Jan

11g have been so busy today 19/ 01/21


Oh my , how busy have we been today?
We had breakfast in school before heading out to catch a bus from the bus stop. We talked about looking at the number on the bus we wanted and how to stop the bus. Then we used our ‘Now cards’ to get on the bus. When your Now Card has been scanned…

19 Jan

A massive Thank You to Bircacre Garden Centre for the kind donation of bulbs.

A massive thank you to Bircacre Garden Centre for donating some bulbs to our class - we have started planting them, watered them and are eagerly awaiting for them to grow!

Hopefully we will be able to show you a beautiful, display of flowers in a few weeks time!

19 Jan

The five pillars of Sycamore. World Religion Week.

This week in Sycamore it was World Religion Week in Sycamore we looked at Islam, we looked at The 5 Pillars of Islam and the beliefs of how to live a good life.  We looked at the declaration of faith (Shahada),  prayer (salah), alms-giving (zakat), fasting (sawm) and pilgrimage (hajj)

We then…

17 Jan

Online Gaming and Relationship

As we get closer to Online Safety Day 2022, we are beginning to look at gaming and the dangers for our pupils around being engrossed in such a hobby.


On Tuesday 8th February school will be looking at gaming and the relationships involved with such an activity. Pupils will be taking part in…