16 Jan

Rowan Class - Spring 1 Week 2

Rowan Class have had a super busy week!

We got back in the pool on Monday as our weekly swimming lessons resumed and we all had so much fun.

We have been using our Thinking and Problem Solving skills in cookery this week, making sandwiches, and decorating cakes - counting ingredients and…

14 Jan

10G Cafe at The Astley

In class we have been having our breakfast in the “Cafe at The Astley”. Each person in our class has been given their own job role to fulfil within the cafe. We have various different roles including: waiter, cooks, washing up, drying up and cleaner. Everyone has worked really hard and has done…

14 Jan

9G on Safari

9G on Safari


Our topic this half term in 9G is Safari Animals. 

We listened to the sounds of some different Safari animals. 

Some of the learners copied the sounds. 

We have been learning facts about loins, giraffes, cheetahs, zebras, elephants and monkeys. 


9G did a…

14 Jan

What will 8A be learning about this term?

Happy New Year everyone!

8A have had a fantastic start to the new year. We thought you might like to know all about our new theme, "Our Planet" and what we will be learning about this term. 

My Communication

In My Communication this half term, Mrs Crouch will be helping us to write some…

13 Jan

11G Chorley in Bloom 12 January 2021


We had great fun on our first visit to Chorley in Bloom.  
After a short ride on the school mini bus we arrived at the community garden. We meet two lovely ladies that are going to help us.  Each one of us got a little yellow bag, which had seeds for us to look at . Gill and Iris told us…

13 Jan

A wonderful swimming session for Sycamore

What a wonderful first swimming session we have had this week in Sycamore. Our teachers are super impressed with how well we all did. Everyone followed instructions, was extremely sensible, tried very hard putting a lot of effort into their swimming and had also importantly had fun! We swam on our…

12 Jan

11G visit Living Waters Storehouse (Chorley Food Bank) with our reverse advent donations.

We decided at the end of November- that it would be a good thing to help others and do a ‘Reverse Advent’ collecting food and toiletries to donate to our local foodbank.

So each day in December- we collected items-we got all of the other classes and Governors  involved in our project and…

12 Jan

oak went for a story in the deep dark wood…

Some of oak class went for a story in the forest school area today. They did great walking to the forest school circle and sat on benches whilst Miss Hothersall read a story of ‘The Gruffalo’ with props. We all had a biscuit and then went on a hunt where we found all the characters from the story…

7 Jan

Happy New Year Rowan Class

Happy New Year Rowan Class! 

It was lovely to see you all back in class this week. We enjoyed making New Year fireworks from breadsticks, painting fireworks and making New Year wishes. We started the year working hard as always with our handwriting skills and number recognition, and enjoyed a…

7 Jan

10R Finally Venture to Tesco

Another touch and go start… lots of obstacles in the way… BUT we made it! After a term of trying to get out and about on the bus, we were determined today to make sure it happened, and we got there!


Starting the day we looked at the bus timetable, we then discussed risks and how to keep…

7 Jan

10G Make a Super Start to the New Term

What a fantastic start to our new term.

We have worked really hard completing reading and writing assessments and will be working towards our current personalised goals in this area next week. 

In Maths we have started our money work and are all making good progress towards our…

7 Jan

Happy New Year 9G

Happy new year 9G


It was so nice seeing everybody in school after our Christmas break.


9G shared their Christmas and New Years activities. 

There was lots of visiting families, parties and some of 9G watched fireworks on New Year’s Eve. 9G then entered what they had done into…