2 Feb

Willow class celebrates Chinese New Year

On Tuesday it was the first full moon of the Lunar calendar which meant it was Chinese New Year! 
pin Willow class we looked at how this special event is celebrated and why it is important to Chinese culture. We looked at ways people around the world celebrate the special day and days following…

2 Feb

Nî hâo to the year of the tiger in Sycamore

The Year of the Tiger in Sycamore 


Chinese New Year in Sycamore class, we looked at where china is, the population and what it is like in China. We discussed that there are different languages spoken in different parts of China. 


We then went on to look at Chinese New Year, we…

1 Feb

Year 11G Celebrate Chinese New Year- The year of the Tiger

What a fun day we’ve had today in 11G-

We talked about the festivals that we celebrate- before looking at celebrations in other cultures- as today is Chinese New Year- The Year of the Tiger!
Most of our class were born in the year of the Rooster- and some in the Year of The Dog- Miss…

1 Feb

Chinese New Year in Oak

In oak class today we have learnt about Chinese New Year, we started by attending to an adult led attention Autism where a big Tiger face was made out of paint. We then played animal splat taking turns to splat an animal card and red & yellow paint splatted out. 
we then explored different trays…

31 Jan

Maple Class can cook!

For our cooking sessions in Maple Class this half term we’ve been learning to make Angel Delight and fruit salads. 
We have all followed instructions step by step to make our food, from chopping, pouring, mixing and peeling. 
We even got to eat it all up when we had finished! 

28 Jan

9G working hard

9G have worked really hard this week. 


Monday morning 9G shared what they had done over the weekend. There was telly watching, visiting family, eating lots of pizza, walks and shopping. They then put what they did in good sentence structure with great drawings. 


After that 9G…

28 Jan

10R end the week with “Feel Good Friday”

10R have had a tricky week so we decided that Friday would be a day of wellbeing.

We started the day with nurture and Mrs Cobham shared a silent black and white film of Croston in Lancashire that showed Coffee Day from a long time ago. We enjoyed looking at what the people were wearing and the…

28 Jan

10G practice road safety

In 10G we have been learning all about how to keep ourselves safe when we are crossing the road. We started off by practicing on the road area in our new playground space. We talked about finding a safe space to cross and learnt about zebra crossings and pelican crossings. We took it in turns to…

28 Jan

7a Gelli bath maths and a birthday party !!

This week 7 a have explored maths through sensory exploration in gelli bath . They searched for numicon to use as visual supports for simple addition questions. The children worked really well together then worked independently and in small groups . 

In English this week the children have…

28 Jan

Maple Class learn all about road safety

This week in Maple Class we have been ‘travel training’. 
We have been learning how to be King of the road in class, on the playground and on the track. 
Some of us independently transitioned to the track while the rest us independently transitioned to the playground. 
We took it in turns to…

26 Jan

Beech class explore The Very Hungry Caterpillar

In Beech class this week we have been exploring the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

In our sensory trays we have played with coloured rice, flowers, soft toys and fruits whilst learning our days of the week and fruit names. In attention autism, we created a big caterpillar using a balloon…

26 Jan

Willow wishes Sian a happy birthday!

Willow class wish Sian a very happy birthday!

We all enjoyed celebrating Sian’s birthday in class with a class party! We played some great games like musical statues, musical bumps and pin the horn on the unicorn before tucking into a special treat- a McDonalds dinner from Sian’s…