6 Apr

Easter Holiday Heroes - Day 3 (6th April) All Groups

It’s our final day in Holiday Heroes this holiday period, but don’t worry, we’ll be back in May half- term.

Group 1 went to Space sensory rooms in Preston today. Everyone, including the staff, had a brilliant time on the fantastic slide, jumping in the ball pit and fun playing with the…

5 Apr

Easter Holiday Heroes - Day 2 (5th April) All groups

Day 2 of Holiday Heroes has gone well with lots of our lovely pupils enjoying a private screening of “Mummies” at Reel Cinema in Chorley. Everyone made good choices at the cinema and loved their goody bags with mini bags of popcorn, sweets, chocolate, biscuits and a drink.

Take a look at our…

4 Apr

Easter Holiday Heroes - Day 1 (4th April) All Groups

What a fabulous day we've had on our first day of Holiday Heroes this Easter.

Group 1 (pupils from Beech, Chestnut, Maple and Oak classes) went on a trip to Space Sensory rooms in Preston. Everyone had a great time jumping in the ball pit, taking turns on the amazing slide and relaxing on the…

2 Apr

Happy Easter from 10G! Spring Week 12

Happy Easter holidays to everyone! I think I can speak for all of the staff in 10G when I say we are all ready for a break, we are the sure the pupils are too. Another crazily busy week this week…

On Monday, it was our last swimming session before Easter. We have found out that we will be…

31 Mar

7A’s ‘eggciting’ week.

Our last week before the Easter break and we have been very busy!

We have made Easter cards using our colouring skills or painting our hands, which we hope you like.

Wednesday- the day we have all been waiting for - photo booth day… it didn’t disappoint! We had a absolute blast as you can…

31 Mar

7P Eggcellent end to the Spring Term

7P have had a lovely last week filled with fun Easter activities. 

We have made our own cakes and baskets to take them home in. We even made Easter cards for our family members. 

7P went on their usual trip to the cafe which 7P showed some brilliant crossing skills and spotting dangers. 

31 Mar

Happy Easter 11G

What a busy term 11G have had!!!  We’ve had lots of visits to help promote our independent skills, we’ve learnt some new skills at the gym and swimming. 

We’ve had a chilled week this week making Easter cards for our families.  On Friday morning after our favourite breakfast, bacon butties, we…

31 Mar

Celebrating a birthday 11R


What a lovely day we had today in11R! We helped Mrs Jones celebrate her birthday! Ate cheese, drank wine

(non- alcoholic) had party games, and ate birthday cake! What a lovely end to term!

31 Mar

Willow Go Wild at Blackpool Zoo!

We have had a fantastic term in Willow Class learning about people who help us and how to keep safe throughout our topic, Emergency Emergency! 

To finish our learning and for an end of term treat, Willow Class and Upper-Primary visited Blackpool Zoo on Wednesday. Everyone had a wonderful time…

31 Mar

Rowan Class take a walk on the wild side!

Rowan Class have had a fantastic end of term trip to the zoo this week.

We enjoyed seeing lots of lovely animals, big and small! 

When back in school we used fantastic communication to comment on the photographs from our trip!

Well done everyone, have a lovely break!

Mrs Down and the…

31 Mar

Hurrah for the Easter Holidays in 8A

Well we have made it to the end of term and had a lovely sharing our learning session with parents and carers this week. On Monday and Tuesday some parents and carers joined us for lunch at Seven Seas Fish and Chip Shop. Everyone who joined us enjoyed a chill and chat with each other and the…

31 Mar

Sycamore go wild at the zoo!

Sycamore class had a lovely visit to the zoo this week. 
 The children had such a great time . Learning all about the animals , where they live , what they eat and how they travel around - is it 4 legs , 2 legs or no legs ? 

The children did super listening all day and asked lots of questions…