15 Dec

8P week 7. 15/12/23

It has been a very busy week for the staff and pupils of 8P, taking part in lots of Christmas activities, and getting ready for the big performance next week. 

We learnt about Hanukkah which is the Jewish festival of light, we discovered lots of interesting facts about the festival.

Some of…

15 Dec

Hanukkah in 9A

Today in 9A we have been learning about Hanukkah which is the Jewish festival of light. We looked at how Jewish people might celebrate. We learned what the menorah represents and then we made our own menorah lamps. In food tech we had a go at making some Hanukkah sweets. Everyone thought they were…

15 Dec

Happy Hanukkah from 10A

Today 10A have been learning all things Hannukah. We all took part in preparing a potato latkes These potato pancakes (called latkes) are meant to symbolize the miracle of Hanukkah, we all had a good try at peeling, grating, mixing and cooking our Latkes. We all enjoyed eating them, they reminded…

15 Dec

The Littlest Reindeer

This is one of Mrs Cobham’s favourite Christmas stories. It’s a lovely story about a little boy and his friendship with a little lost reindeer. What would you do if a little reindeer turned up at your house?


15 Dec

Let’s Sign with 11G

Last year 10G made a video showing some Christmas signs using Makaton and they asked could it be shared again. We hope you enjoy it.


15 Dec

9P get in the Christmas spirit.

Everyone in 9P were getting in the Christmas spirit this week.

We have been practicing hard for our Christmas production, which I’m sure you are all looking forward to.

On Wednesday afternoon we had a visit to Birkacre Garden Centre to see all the fantastic Christmas displays, trees and…

15 Dec

Christmas dinner and festive fun in Beech

We’ve had another wonderful Christmassy week in Beech class!

We’ve decorated baubles, explored shaving foam trays, printed christmas trees, and made hand prints for our reindeer Christmas cards. We also made reindeer headbands and posed for selfies in them!

On Wednesday we had our Christmas…

15 Dec

It’s Hanukkah in Chestnut Class

Hanukkah or Chanukah means “dedication” in Hebrew, and the Jewish holiday, also known as The Festival of Lights, represents joy and celebrates one of the greatest miracles in Jewish history.

Today Chestnut Class have been exploring Hanukkah in our creative tasks and made some fabulous Star of…

14 Dec

Week 7 ! Do you want to build a snowman in sycamore !

This week in Sycamore we have been working on road safety and staying safe whilst in the community . The class took a trip out on Tuesday to Astley Park. Whilst some amazing learning took place we also had lots of fun and a play on the park. 

On Wednesday it was Christmas dinner day for…

11 Dec

8A at Astley Inn.

8A visited Astley Inn 


So, on Monday we made the very soggy walk to The Astley, but we didn’t mind because we were hungry and we were really looking forward to our food.

When we got there the waiter and waitress were waiting for us and showed us to our table. 

We took our wet coats…

8 Dec

Wonderful week in Willow

In Willow class this week, we enjoyed holding a Sharing Our Learning event where parents were able to join their children making melting snowman biscuits, completing Christmas crafts and watching PowerPoint presentations that some pupils had made about themselves. 

We enjoyed walking to Asda on…

8 Dec

11G Autumn Week 13

We have been lucky enough to leave school this week for two visits!

We have been doing lots of top-secret practice for our Christmas production, we can’t wait for you all to see it.

On Tuesday we went to watch Cinderella at Victoria Halls in Bolton. We had a brilliant time watching the…