24 Jan

7A get busy measuring, painting and a PE session.

The last couple of weeks have been go, go, go! 

Picture news last week was about  that UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has stated that building new homes is a 'top priority' and the government has announced changes to planning rules, to make housebuilding in the countryside easier.
We discussed…

24 Jan

Martin Luther King in 7P

On Monday, it was Martin Luther King day and the class watched an PowerPoint how Martin Luther King changed the way people thought about people who weren’t white.


The PowerPoint explained how people that weren’t white were treated, like not being able to sit on the same bus, not being able…

24 Jan

Week 3, spring 1 in 8P

This week has been a very busy week for the children in 8P.

This week we started off by sharing our weekend news, discussing what everyone has been up to over the weekend. We then looked at some ‘picture news’ looking at news through photos. This week we learned about what is good to watch…

24 Jan

Beech become Hungry Caterpillars

Beech class have started on our new topic ‘Mini Beasts’. This week we explored the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. 

We enjoyed listening to the story during AA, chopped and tasted different fruit, made caterpillars from playdoh and explored a range of sensory trays. We also did amazing…

20 Jan

9P Martin Luther King 20.01.25

On Monday this week, 9P learnt about Martin Luther King Day! We read a PowerPoint about this inspirational man and then watched a video about him, before also watching a video about Rosa Parcs who also took a stand for Black Civil Rights in America. The children really enjoyed learning about…

20 Jan

10A - Spring 1 Week 3 - W/B 20.01.25

In maths this week, we have continued with developing our understanding of the four operations and using these in different contexts. Some of us have been writing number sentences using the times symbol, some of use have been using picture representations to solve larger problems and some of us…

20 Jan

10A - Spring 1 Week 2 - W/B 13.01.25

This week started with Picture News again. This week we had to think answer the question 'Should you be allowed to build homes anywhere?'. We talked about what it would be like if people started to build houses in the middle of the track or in the middle of Astley Park. We also thought about what…

20 Jan

Martin Luther King Day in 11A

As part of our English today in 11A we have been looking at and talking about the importance of Martin Luther King Day, we watched some clips and then had a discussion about how we were all feeling.

Some of us said that it made us angry, upset about segregation and we all agreed that…

17 Jan

World Religion Week in Chestnut Class

This year for World Religion Week, Chestnut Class enjoyed exploring light linked to the Sikh celebration of Diwali. We made salt dough Diya lamps during our attention autism sessions and enjoyed turning the lights off and signing about our lamps on Friday afternoon to mark the end of the week.…

17 Jan

Spring 1 Week 2 In 10P

We’ve had another busy week in 10P!


On Monday most of us went to Asda in the morning to do some shopping for the week. Once we had bought all we needed we went to the cafe to buy ourselves some breakfast. This term we are starting some work experience placements so on Monday morning…

17 Jan

World Religion Week in 7P

World Religion Week.


This week at Astley Park School,  it’s been World Religion Week.

7P has looked at Judaism.

The class watched a PowerPoint and learnt about Hanukkah.

We learned a story about an evil king called Antiochus who didn’t like people having different beliefs to…

17 Jan

A wintry week in Beech

This week Beech class have continued to explore winter. During our continuous provision, we explored different sensory snowmen, washed arctic animals, made our own snow and counted ice cream scoops. 

During our adult led activities, we used our fine motor to do some cutting and sticking,…