7 Mar

Careers Day in 8A

Careers week in 8A.


This week 8A learners have been looking at jobs people do. 

To start our careers discussion off, 8A participated in a game of jobs bingo. 

The bingo cards had lots of jobs that people do. There was a refuse collector, a doctor, a delivery person and many…

23 Feb

War Time Biscuits in 8A

This week in our food technology activity, 8A participated in making some war time biscuits.

These biscuits had the regular ingredients such as butter, sugar, flour and vanilla essence but there was an additional ingredient added……. Grated carrots.


We were all very unsure how these…

8 Feb

Miss McPartlin last day in 8A

Miss McPartlin’s last day in 8A


Today, 8A has said a farewell to Miss McPartlin as she is having a little rest before her baby arrives at the beginning of March. 8A has been reading a social story together all week to help us with understanding where Miss McPartlin will be after half…

8 Feb

Mental Health week in 8A

Mental Health week in 8A


It was lovely to see 8A learners in school on Monday, wearing green to celebrate Mental Health week . 

This Mental Health week, we are focusing on “My Voice Matters'”, and the class has had several chats, explaining that there are different ways the learners can…

6 Feb

Who Wants To Win £20 Voucher WINNER!!!!!!

Thank you to the 6 parents who enrolled and completed the National College Annual Award in Online Safety for Parents and Carers 2023-2024!

I am sure you found this super helpful- there will be more courses for parents and carers on here in the future!


The wheel has been spun and the…

5 Feb

8A at the Fieldfare.

8A at Fieldfare celebrating Miss McPartlin last week in school.


8A walked all the way to the Fieldfare for our lunch today, to celebrate Miss McPartlins last week in school, as she is leaving for a little rest before having her baby. 

8A was very sensible walking down the big hill and…

26 Jan

No eggs for our Chocolate Cake in 8A

Ration baking in 8A


In our food technology lesson this week we had to use food that was rationed. We explained to 8A that in the 1st and 2nd World War, certain foods were unable to be purchased, so when making meals, some ingredients couldn’t be used because of being in short…

19 Jan

World Religion Week in 8A

World Religion Week in 8A


This week at Astley Park School, it’s been “World Religion Week”.

8A looked at Buddhism religion.

The learners watched a PowerPoint about what Buddhist beliefs are. 

8A listened to a story about how Siddhartha Gautama became a Buddha and what he taught…

12 Jan

New year 2024 in 8A

1st school in for 2024 in 8A


It was so nice seeing the learners in 8A returning back to school in 2024.


It was lovely hearing all their enjoyable Christmas and New Year celebrations.


We have had a fun and relaxing week this week settling the learners back into school…

12 Jan

World Religion Week 2024

Astley Park School are proud to be celebrating World Religion Week next week (15/01/24-19/01/24).

Each class has been allocated a different religion to learn about though a variety of lessons and experiences across the week. Please see the list below to see what religions individual classes…

22 Dec

8A in Christmas Spirit

Christmas final week in 8A


This week has been all about Christmas and we have made time to calm and relax after a busy half term. We have watched a great Christmas film “Polar Express”. 


It was also the secondary production of our Christmas play this week. 8A was amazing at singing…

15 Dec

8A celebrating Hanukkah

Celebrating Hanukkah in 8A


Today 8A Celebrated Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of light.

The learners watched a PowerPoint, telling them what this means, why and how it is celebrated.

Firstly the learners learnt that Hanukkah means “ rededicate” which in turns means to make something…