27 Apr

MADD Monday

MADD Day Monday! Theme of the day Spain!

We started MADD day by looking at Piccaso pictures, before creating our own using lots of lovely bright colours.

We listened to some Spanish music, then used drums to create our own music-slow and quiet then fast and loud-we had lots of fun!


26 Apr

Willow class learning from home- Summer week 1

Hello everyone!

We have had some good weather this week so I hope you have had a chance to spend some time in the sun with your families. Let’s have a look at what some of our class have been up to this week!

Liam, Jake, Owen, Hasan and Olivia all took part in our Easter egg decorating…

22 Apr

Easter egg decorating competition in Willow Class

Over Easter Willow Class held a competition to decorate an egg! 
We had five fantastic entries to try and win our Easter egg prize and were really impressed with your great fine motor skills decorating them. Our class staff were the judges and Miss Riley, Ms Carter, Miss Robinson, Mrs Jones, Mrs…

10 Apr

Secondary’s Easter week 2020

Secondary pupils who have been in school this week have been busy doing lots of fun activities and learning. Robyn created a wonderful ‘stay at home, stay safe’ rainbow to thank all NHS staff and key workers! We have done some fun maths and English learning, looking at how to create letters and…

15 Mar

Holi art in Willow class

On Monday, Willow class learnt about the Hindu spring festival Holi. We chose blue as our class colour and some children chose to wear this colour to school for the day. Willow class loved the idea of the paint throwing celebrations and made their own powder paint art following an attention autism…

14 Feb

Rainbow Day in Willow class

Willow class celebrated Rainbow Day by wearing bright clothes to create a class rainbow and learning all about how people are different.

We discussed how rainbows have lots of different colours that all come together to make something brilliant- just like all our friends making one…

12 Feb

7R learn about the rotten Romans!

Today 7R celebrated “History day” as we missed it last week due to our Calvert residential trip. We have had a fantastic day!

This morning, Mrs Crouch split us into research teams. Each team was given research questions to find out the answer to. The teams had to delegate roles to decide a…

10 Feb

Willow enjoy Victorian Day

Last Thursday was our first history day of the year and all primary phase classes learnt about the Victorians.

Willow class learnt all about what it was like to be a child in the Victorian era, looking at Victorian schools and workhouses for children. The children loved learning about all the…

6 Feb

9G’s Roman Celebration Day!

9G have been fantastic day being Romans today. In the morning we learnt all about Roman Mosaics, who had them and what they looked like. We then made our own Roman Mosaics using glue and different coloured seeds. In the afternoon we then learnt all about Roman soldiers, what life was like for them…

3 Feb

8R Digital Artwork

Today in class we discussed World Mental Health week. We talked about the things we do to keep ourselves calm and happy. We all had lots of different things that we did to help us. We then used the i pads to draw some artwork to show this. See the link attached to see our fantastic pieces of…

23 Jan

7R are artists!

7R have been learning about the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo as part of our "Food, Glorious Food" topic. We learnt that he created portraits using images of fruits and vegetables. We made our own art in his style using 3D art (using real fruits and vegetables) and drawing. We enjoyed the activity…

17 Jan

7R learn about Sikhism for World Religion Week 2020!

This week, 7R have been learning about Sikhism. We started by learning about the 5Ks. We watched videos and interacted with props before making our own Kangha or designing a Kirpan. We talked about what the 5Ks represented for Sikhs. We then learnt all about the Gudwara. We learnt about the…