14 Aug

A sporty week for group 2 - week 3 summer school

The sun has been shining for us this week at summer school so group 2 have spent lots of time keeping active outside. 

On Monday, Isla and Harvey enjoyed football, yoga, playing games and colouring to practice their fine and gross motor skills. 

On Tuesday, Connor enjoyed showing Mrs Crouch…

17 Jul

Summer Holiday Video Offer

It’s the holidays!

Thank you so much for all your hard work and engagement with our learning videos on our YouTube channel over the last few months. It has been wonderful to see so many photos and videos of pupils taking part in activities both at home and in school. Some of you will now be…

10 Jul

8R Learning Together 10/07/20

Well, here we are nearly at the end of our time together as 8R. It has certainly been a very challenging year for us all but we are very proud of each and every one of you. We have seen some amazing work from you all and have loved our Teams Video calls when we have been able to catch up with each…

6 Jul

7R are working hard!

Hi everyone, 

It’s great that you are all continuing to work hard at home. Last week we finished reading Mary Anning and the Time Twister on Purple Mash. I hope you all enjoyed the story. The work you have done answering questions on each chapter is fantastic. It would be great if you could…

26 Jun

Secondary Lunchtime Clubs

Just because we can't all be in school together doesn't mean we all join in together doing things we enjoy.  Lunch clubs have been setting some activities for pupils to get involved with and it has been lovely to see pupils joining in.  Here's a summary of what we've done so far:

Film club were…

27 May


Hi everybody,

Would you like to take part in an exciting competition as part of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month? Take a look at the competition below. If you take part, make sure you send Mrs Crouch a copy of your entry (crouchm@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk) as well as emailing it over to…

26 May

Join in with us - Sing and Sign!

Hi everyone, 

This week the signs of the day are teaching you all the colours of the rainbow and we would really like your help!

You will see that there is a new YouTube video that has been posted today called the colours of the rainbow song. Mrs Linde's very talented daughter Georgia sang…

25 May

A musical Monday for our primary learners in school

This afternoon we enjoyed a music themed attention autism session in Chestnut class. We watched Mrs Crouch drop different materials on a xylophone or tambourine to create different sounds and then we took turns to play the instruments. We had lots of fun! 

19 May

Secondary have been busy in school!

Last week the Secondary learners were very busy working with Miss Hendy, Mrs England and Miss Aindow. 

During the week we took part in baking activities, Communication, Thinking and Problem Solving and some My Creativity. 

Everyone worked really hard and had a fab week! 


7 May

Secondary’s Wake up and Shake up, May 2020.

We were all feeling a little bit sleepy this morning so needed to do something to wake up our bodies and our brains.


We went into the hall and did a wake up and shake up dance to help us feel awake! We really enjoyed it and took part really well!

We enjoyed it so much that we wanted to…

1 May

MADD Week Flag Art Competition

Wow what an amazing MADD week it has been. There have been some amazing videos posted onto our school Learning from Home YouTube Channel - if you haven't had a look yet please go and see! 


We have had lots of entries fro the…

29 Apr

MADD Wednesday

MADD Wednesday!

Our theme today is Brazil!

We started our day-looking at Brazillian rain forests and the famous statue of Christ The Redeemer!

We looked at the famous carnival in Rio! Wow- it looked amazing fun!- We would love to go and see it for real- if Mr Welsh would let us!
