30 Apr

10G says no to racism!


10G have been learning all about racism today. We talked all about why we are all wearing red today and what today means. 

First we talked about what we thought racism was and we knew that it was to do with being unkind. Then Miss Robertson read through a PowerPoint all about what racism…

30 Apr

Oak Class Wear Red

On 30th April, Oak Class wore red inspired by the “Show Racism The Red Card” movement and we engaged in lessons around diversity. 

We read a story called We Are All Different and we saw lots of pictures of how people are all different; some people have curly hair and some people have…

30 Apr

Rowan wear red

Today in Rowan we have been wearing red to celebrate that we are all different.

We listened to a story about what makes us all different to each other but we are all friends together. 

We used our describing words to describe another person in Rowan class and we all had to guess who it was.…

30 Apr

9G Wear Red!

Today 9G wore red to celebrate standing against racism. 

In class we spoke about what racism is, and how we have to be kind to everyone no matter what their differences. We read the story ‘We are all different’, and then took part in some circle time activities. We spoke about what makes us…

30 Apr

Beech class wear red

Today Beech class wore red for ending racism. We did a fun attention autism session with lots of red toys and red balloon. We loved the red bubbles, we made pictures with them later. Well done Beech class. 

Mrs Barrand, Mrs Banks, Miss Holden, Ms Goonan.


16 Apr

A super, sunny start to Summer Term in 7A

Wow! What a fantastic start to our new half term in 7A! Our new topic is Happy Campers and we are really excited for all the outdoor learning opportunities to come. If you haven’t yet sent your child in with a change of clothes and shoes, please could you send these in on Monday. 

In My…

16 Apr

Willow Class’s month of Ramadan

In Willow class we have been learning about Ramadan, a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community observed by Muslims worldwide. 

Miss Riley explained what Ramadan is and what it means to Muslims. We looked at how Muslims practice their faith during this time and what extra…

26 Mar

9G's Eggtastic Week

What a fabulous last week we have had in 9G! 

Everyone has worked super hard on their assessments, showing the staff in class that they have made some super progress so far this year! Well done 9G!

We have kept ourselves busy with Easter and Spring themed activities, and ended the week on a…

23 Mar

10G celebrate World Down Syndrome Day!


10G have had a lovely day learning all about World Down Syndrome Day. We read a story all about a girl called Ella who has Down Syndrome. We learnt that Ella can do lots of different things including running, dancing, counting and playing with friends. We talked about all the different things…

22 Mar

9G Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day

Today 9G have been celebrating World Down Syndrome day, and have been looking at what this means. 

We have spoke about what it means to have Down Syndrome, and that it is important that we know it doesn’t stop people achieving what they want to achieve. 

We watched a Sesame Street…

19 Mar

Red Nose Day in Sycamore!

Today Sycamore Class have enjoyed celebrating Red Nose Day! 

In class we have our very own Red Nose Day competition; creating and designing a red nose just for us. We were challenged to use different colours, drawings, patterns and to be as neat as we could. To make our challenge even harder…

1 Mar

Willow class celebrate rainbow families week!

What a fantastic week in Willow class! 
This week we have been celebrating Rainbow Families week as part of LGBT history month.

Willow class enjoyed looking at our families and who lives in our houses- we talked about how all our families were different but all were great. We enjoyed listening…