15 Jan

7G Learn about a Gurdwara!

For World Religion Week 7G are learning about Sikhism! 

We started our learning about the religion by looking at their place of Worship called a Gurdwara. We watched a short video clip of a little girl showing us what happens there. 

There was some good remembering from the video: Harry…

14 Jan

Hindu Temple visit January 2020

 This week for World Religion week 10G are studying Hinduism. Today we  enjoyed a very interesting and informative morning at a visit to the Gujurat  Hindu Society and Temple in Preston.

The students were shown around the Temple so that they were able to look at all the different Gods and…

14 Jan

Religion Week in 8G

This week is Religion week at Astley Park School.

8G are learning all about Christianity. Yesterday we spoke about what Christians believe and the rules that they follow. We talked about why the symbol of a Cross is important and where Christians go to pray.

We then made amazing pictures…

14 Jan

11R Learn About Vesak

This morning 11R took part in a meditation session, focusing on Buddha with intense burning in the background. Pupils followed a guided relaxation video helping us to set stress and relax. This is a practice often carried out in the Buddhist religion. We ended the meditation with a feelings circle…

13 Jan

11R Look at Buddhism for World Religion Week

What a great start to Religion Week!


We started the day with a Padlet exercise saying what we know about the Buddhist religion and thinking about what we would like to learn.


We learned about the birth of Buddha and had a Kahoot! To follow. 


We also looked at a time of…

10 Jan

Food, Glorious Food - 7R

Welcome back and a Happy New Year!

7R have lots to look forward to this term. Our new theme is "Food, Glorious, Food". 

Communication, Language and Literacy

In our "Communication, Language and Literacy" lessons we will be exploring the book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald…

19 Dec

8R Food Bank

On Wednesday we were going to go to Asda to drop  the food bank donation hamper but due to unforeseen circumstances we weren't able to go. We sorted through all the donations to check that all the sell by dates were ok. We were treated to some snacks and drinks in class as we missed the cafe…

13 Dec

Why do Christians celebrate Christmas?

During the month of December, 7R have been focusing on the Christian celebration, Christmas. We read the nativity story and wrote about it and then we thought about why Christians celebrate Christmas. We said it was because it is Jesus’ birthday and we give presents like the wise men give presents…

12 Dec

A baby boy was born one day, in a stable far away!

Oak Class learnt all about the Christmas nativity today. First of all, we enjoyed reading the story together on the carpet, taking it in turns to find the characters in our story to match our figures.
We were able to answer questions during different parts of the story; 
When Mary was told by…