27 May

11g had an amazing week ended off by the fair ground coming to school. 2022

11g have had a wonderful day at the funfair and celebrating the Queen’s jubilee.

20 May

10G Celebrate Wesak

This week at Astley Park School we have celebrated the Buddhist festival of Wesak. 

In 10G we have been learning about Wesak and what the festival is about. We learnt that Wesak is the most important of the Buddhist festivals and during this time Buddhists collect food and donate it to…

13 May

Mental health week in 11g

11g have had a fantastic week looking at our own mental health. We have been outside getting lots of fresh air, riding bikes. We helped out keeping our school clean and tidy. We where give a box of chocolate in appreciation for helping out. Which did our mental health the world of good…

13 May

10G Share their Learning

What a super morning we had today! 10G invited their parents into school to join in with their morning. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing our morning cafe where, as always, the learners had their own job roles. We also introduced a new role that we have been working on in small groups, which is making…

6 May

Thomas’ Birthday Celebrations At Gator Golf

We had the most exciting day in 10G today celebrating Thomas’ 15th birthday. Thomas’ mum kindly invited us to Gator Golf for fun and food.

We had such an amazing time playing golf, a couple of the class even managed to get a hole in one. We have spent the afternoon eating yummy food and playing…

29 Apr

10G Begin a New Term

Our Topic this term is My Healthy Lifestyle. We are continuing our cafe but extending the range of foods we offer. We will continue our work in the community by undertaking weekly visits to the library and supermarket. In the supermarket we are increasing our independence skills with individual…

1 Apr

10G Wrap Up Spring Term and Look Towards an Exciting Summer Term

What a super term in 10G.

We have worked so hard on our job roles in Café at the Astley. We have learned how to cook toast, croissants, waffles, bagels, hot cross buns and crumpets. We have undertaken roles such as, clearing, tables, washing up, drying up, collecting bowls and plates, moving…

1 Apr

Year 11 Sponsored Swim

Well done to everyone who took part in yesterday’s Sponsored Swim!
We swam a total of 139  lengths of Brinscall Baths- Mrs McShane joined in and swam 10 lengths taking our total to 149 lengths!
Thank you to everyone who have supported this event - raising vital funds for our end of school…

25 Mar

10G enjoy the sunshine

This week the weather has been glorious! In 10G we have really made the most of the lovely weather. We have had lessons outside and had our lunch al fresco too. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful outdoor area next to our classroom. Fingers crossed this weather continues so we can carry on…

24 Mar

One week to Year 11’s Sponsored Swim!

One week to go to our Sponsored Swim!

We have all been practicing very hard- we just need to collect lots of sponsors! The more money we make- the better our Prom Day will be

16 Mar

Year 11 Sponsored swim

On Thursday 31 March our Year 11 pupils and some staff will be taking part in a Sponsored Swim- We have been practicing and perfecting our swimming techniques over the last few weeks at Brinscall Swimming Baths!
And also collecting sponsors from our families and friends! We are swimming as a…

11 Mar

10G visit The Cafe At Astley Park

On Wednesday we had a change from our usual morning Cafe in class. As it was a lovely day we went for a walk to the Cafe at Astley Park. We practiced our road safety skills whilst out in the community, finding safe places to cross and spotting dangers.


Once at the Cafe we looked at the…