15 Oct

11G …..yes l can !


11G  have be busy this week.

We have been looking at things that We can do .  These ranged from making a cup of tea for our family, to playing with family and friends. We found out that we could do lots of things on our own. Doing things for someone else or for yourselve makes you feel…

8 Oct

What a busy week in 10G

Wow, what a busy week we have had in 10G! 

This week in our P.E lesson we have been practicing our ball skills. To warm up we had to listen carefully to instructions all about changing direction, we did amazing! We all worked incredibly hard and did some super throwing and catching with…

8 Oct

11G fund raising

11G have become entrepreneurs this week.

After a long debate ……we came to a very important decision. How we can help raise money to go towards our prom.

Its a while off yet , but we need to get going.

Halloween seemed like a good place to start . We talked about what we bought needed to…

4 Oct

Happy 16th Birthday Dylan from 11G


Today we celebrated a very important date- Dylan’s 16th Birthday! We had a lovely time singing to him- but the best thing was eating cake! Dylan really enjoyed the fuss we made of him, he loved his presents- and enjoyed celebrating with his friends.

1 Oct

10G get Autumnal

This week in 10G we have well and truly embraced the autumnal weather. We read a story about a lovely group of animal friends, called ‘Don’t hog the hedge’. This story taught us all about friendship and sharing, as the animals in the story had to share a hedge to make sure they were all safe in…

30 Sep

11G Get to the park independently.


What a lovely day to go down to the park. Alex and Mason had the big responsibility of getting us all to Astley Park and back safely.  They took it in turned to stop at the curb, look for traffic and then make the big desion if it was safe to cross the road. Well done, you got us all to the…

24 Sep

10G Learn about values and decide which are most important to them

As a school community we have been examining our whole school values and deciding which we feel are most important to us. 
All stakeholders have been involved with the learners at the heart of the process.

In 10G we explored what values mean and delved deeper into understanding five values. We…

24 Sep

10G Share our learning whilst raising money for Macmillan

10G shared their Afternoon Group learning with a focus on the Zones of Regulation. We said good afternoon to everybody whilst sharing our name signs, then we shared which Zone we were in and why we felt that way. We finished off our Afternoon Group with some dancing to make sure we were all calm…

17 Sep

11G’s Jeans for Gene’s Day!


Today 11G have been learning all about what jeans for genes day is, why we celebrate it and we learnt some facts another different genetic conditions. We learnt that the money we contributed went to help support children and families with different genetic conditions. We all designed our…

10 Sep

Welcome Back 11R

After a long (not so hot) summer break, it was great to get together as a class again as 11R.  We welcomed our new team members Mrs Powell and Mr Connor. 
To help class settle back after the break there have been fun activities and pupils enjoyed games and time with friends who they have not seen…

10 Sep

Amelia turns 16 - 11G


11G have had a great first week back. They have all thoroughly enjoyed being back together and have enjoyed playing new games with one another. They have been on the climbing frame, been on a scavenger hunt, practised their reading skills, practised meditating, worked on their maths skills…

10 Sep

10G Rock their First Week in KS4

What a fantastic first week in 10G. We have been undertaking lots of fun activities to settle back into the school routine and get to know our new teachers. 
We were very excited to get our 1-1 iPads and we had lots of fun exploring the different apps and personalising the Home Screen.

We made…