11 Mar

10G visit The Cafe At Astley Park

On Wednesday we had a change from our usual morning Cafe in class. As it was a lovely day we went for a walk to the Cafe at Astley Park. We practiced our road safety skills whilst out in the community, finding safe places to cross and spotting dangers.


Once at the Cafe we looked at the…

8 Mar

10G have a fun packed week

10G has had another busy fun packed week this week.

We have worked on our communication skills when making our smoothies and pancakes. We had to follow the recipe’s and instructions for each and working as a team we were able to put together our ingredients and mixture to make the smoothies and…

8 Mar

11G Celebrate International Woman’s Day

We had quite a lengthy discussion around - why it is important to celebrate this very important day! 

We looked at the life of a very important woman Mary Seacole- we all found it very difficult to comprehend what the world was like for women- especially for women from different ethnic…

25 Feb

10G continue learning about Leisure Activities

10G have had a busy first week back and continued with their learning of leisure.

We have all changed our jobs in our class cafe and are really getting to grips and enjoying our new roles. We are all really excited to learn new skills and improve our independence.

In P.E. we have started to…

11 Feb

Safer Internet Day in 10G

This week we have taken part in Safer Internet Day.

We started off by watching some videos about being kind online, and talked about what words were kind and unkind. We played a game in class where we each picked a name of one of our classmates and said nice and kind things about that person.…

8 Feb

Happy Safer Internet Day from 11G!

Happy Safer Internet Day! 11G have had a lovely day learning all about how to stay safe online. First we filled out a quiz and worked out what we knew and what we still needed to learn about staying safe online. We then had to have a go at the safer Internet day quiz and work out what we would do…

28 Jan

10G practice road safety

In 10G we have been learning all about how to keep ourselves safe when we are crossing the road. We started off by practicing on the road area in our new playground space. We talked about finding a safe space to cross and learnt about zebra crossings and pelican crossings. We took it in turns to…

21 Jan

11G- Happy Birthday Alex

Happy 16th Birthday Alex! We hope you have a lovely day and like all of your presents. We loved celebrating it with you in class and eating cake together.

21 Jan

10G Boss Boulder UK

What an exciting time we had at Boulder UK this week. 
We put on our special climbing shoes and listened to the safety rules. 
We were put into two groups with Keith and Sadie as our leaders.

Our first job was to see if we could stand on the climbing holds safely.

We all managed this…

19 Jan

11g have been so busy today 19/ 01/21


Oh my , how busy have we been today?
We had breakfast in school before heading out to catch a bus from the bus stop. We talked about looking at the number on the bus we wanted and how to stop the bus. Then we used our ‘Now cards’ to get on the bus. When your Now Card has been scanned…

19 Jan

A massive Thank You to Bircacre Garden Centre for the kind donation of bulbs.

A massive thank you to Bircacre Garden Centre for donating some bulbs to our class - we have started planting them, watered them and are eagerly awaiting for them to grow!

Hopefully we will be able to show you a beautiful, display of flowers in a few weeks time!

14 Jan

10G Cafe at The Astley

In class we have been having our breakfast in the “Cafe at The Astley”. Each person in our class has been given their own job role to fulfil within the cafe. We have various different roles including: waiter, cooks, washing up, drying up and cleaner. Everyone has worked really hard and has done…