7 Jul

Den Building in 7A - Problem Solved

Well I knew the pupils in 7A had worked hard this year and they have been rewarded by making a sweep at the Annual Secondary Awards!

Gemma (Pupil of the Year), Joseph (Secondary Positivity Value Award), Jake (Secondary Teamwork Value Award) and Alfie & Grace (School Councillor Awards).…

1 Jul

7A’s Super Week


Well, what another busy week it has been in 7A Class. The pupils have worked well in a variety of lessons, but the highlight has to be our dance performance with Dave and Dave from Dance-syndrome.  All the year 7’s excelled in this performance, which was choreographed by our former…

1 Jul

8A Story Time!

During My Communication lessons this half term, the Adventurers in 8A have been writing a sensory story linked to our Circus theme through group writing. We sat together to talk about what happens at the circus and what we can include in our own story to perform to 9G. We first sat and spoke about…

30 Jun

Welcome to the 9G Show!

This term 9G have been learning about the Circus. 

In My Communication we explored a circus sensory story before being set the challenge to write our own circus story to perform to 8A! 9G worked together to write a class story, sharing ideas and carefully thinking of roles for everyone. We had…

17 Jun

A fabulous Rainbow Week in 8A

8A have been joining in with the celebrations around school for Rainbow Week this week.

At the beginning of the week some of our Adventurer learners took part in an Attention Autism session with Mrs Fisher and Miss Berry. We practiced naming the colours and watched Mrs Fisher perform some magic…

17 Jun

Rainbow week in Sycamore class

What a fabulous week in Sycamore class!! We have enjoyed looking at different families, we enjoyed a lovely story called “Part of the party” where we met families with lots of diversity who all got to go to a great party after realising that having a different family is great! We then all talked…

16 Jun

Maple Share Learning

We had some very important visitors in Maple today… 

Mummy’s, Daddy’s and Grandparents! We were all very excited to deliver sessions in person as opposed to via Microsoft Teams!

In the morning, Miss Woods and Mrs Worthington shared an Intensive Interaction session in the sensory…

28 May

7A Celebrate at the Fairground!

To mark a Queens Platinum Jubilee, 7A went to the fairground. They were able to show all their circus skills in the performance workshop and their athletic skills on the helter skeleter & obstacle course. They also enjoyed spending their money in the Key Stage 4 cafe and sweets stalls and riding…

27 May

7P show off their circus skills!

7P had such a wonderful day today when the Fairground came to school! You can see all of our exciting activities in the pictures! 

We have also been very busy over the past few weeks working on our independence, role play and baking skills! We have celebrated the jubilee and continued to…

27 May

Celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in Style!

Wow! What an absolutely fantastic day we have all had celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee at the Astley Park Funfair!! Pupils and staff have enjoyed a day full of excitement and nobody could keep a smile off their face when they walked into the school decorated in red, white and…

13 May

7P talk about right or wrong actions as part of mental health awareness week!

7P have worked so hard this week! You can see a variety of pictures below of circus skills, role play, going to the shop, playing games and cooking! 

We have focused this week on Mental Health Awareness Week and Loneliness. 7P were able to recognise right and wrong actions around this topic…

6 May

7P showing their independence and getting busy!

7P have had an amazing couple of weeks

Last week we got back into the swing of things after residential, working on our team work skills during parachute games, walking Coco and we also did some circus yoga! 

This last week 7P have started their week by half of the group going on a…