20 Oct

What a busy first half term in sycamore !

We have had such a lovely half term in Sycamore Class this half term.
The children have shown some amazing listening skills during their swimming lessons and amazed the staff with their efforts and positive ‘can do’ attitude.
We have been very lucky for Asda to come into school and promote…

15 Oct

8A Superhero Creations Save the Day!

Good afternoon, 

Sometimes when I write this blog I just do not know where to start! We have been that busy this week I haven’t even got room for photos of our scientific investigation which challenged the pupils to make a traditional compass using water and magnets. 

But one thing did…

14 Oct

7A visit the café.

This week 7A visited the café in Chorley town centre to practice our independence.

We walked from school into town showing our road safety skills, looking both ways when crossing roads and using pelican crossings when available.

When we arrived at the café we all sat down and perused the…

7 Oct

8A's Marvelous Marvel Comics

Good afternoon, all,

This week has been another blockbuster in 8A!

Let’s start with our Star of the Week Award.  This week’s winner goes to Gemma.  Gemma has been fantastic all week, showing great friendship skills throughout and showing improved participation in her PE lessons.

Way to…

7 Oct

Green means go!

This week Oak Class’ core word was ‘Go!’ Pupils responded to ready, steady, go across contexts including on the bikes.

We have also been studying Handa’s Surprise through song and sensory trays. Some beautiful artwork has been produced by expressing colour and media choices. Some of the boys…

7 Oct

7A Building friendships at Legoland.

7A went to Legoland in Manchester this week. We have been looking forward to it allllllll week and it didn’t disappoint!

When we arrived we had to queue up, while queuing up we saw some of what was to come, Hagrid, Darth Vader and tubes full of Lego. 
7A then got into the lift, which was very…

23 Sep

8A Perfect the Recipe!

Good afternoon 8A fans and families!

Wow what another busy week we have had.  Lets start by celebrating our Star of the Week - Olivia!
Olivia showed great teamwork skills across the week and real leadership skills in our life skills lesson today.  Olivia showed she could delegate tasks…

16 Sep

What’s the weather?

What another amazing week 7P. 

This week we have got to know each other a little better and begun to explore our topic of weather. We showed our teachers what our writing is like and went on a rainbow and autumn hunt around school. We then made cakes for Macmillan coffee morning and worked…

15 Sep

8A are back in action!

Good Afternoon, 

I’d like to start by announcing this years Student Counsellors. We had a close run election but the majority voted Teegan our Student Counsellor and Olivia our Deputy. All our pupils treated the voting process with high level of respect! 

I have to say 8A have hit the…

9 Sep

7P Super Star First Week


What an amazing first week in 7P! Take a look at all the pictures to see what we have been up to! 

This week we welcomed 4 new friends to Astley Park but we are all new to 7P! We are now all super friends and are working really well on our job roles, teamwork and getting used to our…

13 Jul

Willow class practice ordering food

Willow class are very good at ordering food for snack time and paying using our snack money so we have been putting these skills to the test out in the community!

Last week willow class went to Asda cafe to practice asking for what they’d like, listening to the total needed and finding the…

8 Jul

You’ve Got a Friend in 9G!

9G have been very busy putting their social skills to the test!

They have been thinking carefully about the skills they use and how to react in different situations when with their friends.

9G have had a big focus on being a kind friend and spoke about what being ‘kind’ means. They decided…