5 Dec

Putting the ‘Moo’ in moves with St Ambrose Players

Sycamore class, Willow class and some of our friends in Rowan class had a brilliant morning with some special guests from St Ambrose Players. The children enjoyed a morning filled with singing and dancing as our friends performed us snippets from their Pantomime ‘Journey to the Centre of the…

1 Dec

Snow is falling …

What a day we had at Chill Factore! 

7P went to spend some time on the slopes at Chill Factore. This was so we could experience real snow for our weather topic. We had a go at downhill donuts and sledging! Fun was had by all, even with playing with the snow at the bottom! A couple of the…

28 Nov

Oak Class’ French Adventure

What another fantastic week in Oak Class! This week, we have been studying France.

On Monday, Miss Beck delivered an explosive attention autism session! The boys all engaged well as glitter (red blue and white) and flour balloons were popped. We then explored bigs and small bubbles in class and…

22 Nov

Oak Class’ Italian Adventure

They may not have made it to the World Cup this year but Italy have certainly made it in Oak Class!

The Italian adventure began last week, pupils enjoyed decorating their own pizzas using core boards to make choices, before eating them of course! Pupils have decorated the Italian flag selecting…

18 Nov

Friendship week and Community Visits

7P have had a wonderful friendship week! We talked about being kind friends and not being selfish through our story about Stan the star fish! We then made friendship bracelets and wrote words on that we felt were features of being a good friend. Today we have taken pictures of our chosen friend in…

18 Nov

Next Stop….. 8A Please!

Good afternoon all,


Let’s begin with our Star of the week. This weeks winner is the magnificent Jake!  Jake, as always has tried his best all week and been a super friend, but what caught all the teams eye this week was his determination and perseverance when accessing his school swimming…

18 Nov

Remembrance in Willow class

This week, as part of our topic looking at different culture, celebrations and festivals, Willow class have been learning all about Remembrance Day. We looked at why we wear poppies and how they were chosen to symbolise the end of the war. In our people of the world lesson we had a look at some…

11 Nov

8A Cover the Big Topics

Good afternoon, all,

Let’s start with star of the week. This week’s winner has been fabulous all week and shown how much she is progressing. We are really proud to give this week’s award to – Teegan!

Teegan has been amazing all week, being a true model of all our school values. Teegan has…

4 Nov

Willow class start enterprising!

In Willow class we enjoyed our DT topic making musical instruments last term. Miss Riley and the teachers were so impressed and could tell the children were ready for an enterprise project this term to put their planning and design skills to the test!

Our first enterprise project is looking at…

2 Nov

Halloween and Bonfire Night in Maple Class

Happy Halloween and Bonfire Night from Maple Class!


What a fabulous week we’ve had in Maple Class. On Monday Maple Class enjoyed a day filled with dress up, using our fine motor skills to make spooky spider webs, pumpkin sun catchers and a Halloween hunt in the Woods using our wonderful…

31 Oct

Halloween in Willow class

What a brilliant day in Willow class! 
Lots of friends wore costumes or their own clothes to celebrate Halloween and everyone had lots of fun with the masks and props.

In the morning we listened to a spooky story about skeletons scaring people and feeling scared. We had a good chat about what…

31 Oct

Halloween in Oak Class

Oak class have had a fantastic day celebrating Halloween. The class team dressed as The Wiggles (a class favourite group) and pupils dressed as skeletons and Zombies.

Miss Howarth delivered a Halloween themed attention autism:

Stage 1 Cauldron - wind up eye ball and spider

Stage 2 Dancing…