25 Mar

8A explore stories from around the world

This half term, as we have continued our Our Planet theme, 8A have been reading stories from around the world in My Communication.

First, we read a story called Lila and the Secret of Rain. This story was set in Africa and we thought about what it would be like to live somewhere without rain,…

11 Mar

7a go outdoors , PE with a difference !

This week in 7a we have enjoyed orienteering in PE. The children have shown great listening and communication skills in this terms PE with a difference. They have been working in groups independently to explore the grounds of school to find multiple musical instruments hidden around the forest and…

4 Mar

Astley Park School goes piggy for World Book Day 2022

Wow what a fantastic day we have had!!

At the beginning of the day Mr Welsh held a whole school teams video call and showed everyone CCTV footage from last night.  A mysterious visitor had been creeping around the secondary classrooms looking in cupboards and drawers. Who could this sneaky…

4 Mar

7P’s Wonderful Week

7P have had a very busy week! 

This week we have celebrated St David’s Day through daffodil themed activities. 

Then we took part in world book day where we all dressed up! 

As well as that we have practiced our independence skills by making toast using our favourite toppings! 

3 Mar

World book day in Willow class

What a fun day for Willow class!

We we’re all so excited to dress up and everyone loved showing off their costumes and lovely outfits taking selfies with friends. We joined the school assembly to look at which fairytale character had been sneaking around school caught on the cctv- we guessed it…

2 Mar

Willow class go green

This half term Willow class are looking at our local environment and what we can do to look after it, alongside caring for our planet. We are looking at ways to be more eco friendly and ways we can make our local habitats/communities a better place.

We have had some great discussions about what…

25 Feb

7P have a busy busy week!

What a busy week we have had in 7P! 

We have continued with our topic ‘We’re going on a Safari’. Miss Hendy went to the zoo in the holidays so we have used her pictures to help us build and write some super sentences! We have also been reading our story ‘We all go on Safari’ and learnt some…

11 Feb

7 a jump into maths , ready to roll in to half term !

This week 7 a have shown positivity and willing whilst working through some multiplication this week . They have explored building and analysing the array method. 
All the children have impressed all the staff with their determination to understand and complete their work. 
This week we have…

4 Feb

A message from 8A…

This term our theme is “Our Planet”. In our My Community lessons we have been thinking about our local environment and some of us have been out in the local community litter picking. We have been shocked at the amount of litter we have found over the past few weeks in Chorley Town Centre and at…

14 Jan

What will 8A be learning about this term?

Happy New Year everyone!

8A have had a fantastic start to the new year. We thought you might like to know all about our new theme, "Our Planet" and what we will be learning about this term. 

My Communication

In My Communication this half term, Mrs Crouch will be helping us to write some…

2 Jan

Feeling festive in Willow class.

Willow class have had an exciting couple of weeks gearing up to Christmas. The children have enjoyed some festive themed work creating clay Christmas magnets to finish off our science topic, working on our sentence structures writing letters to Santa and Christmas cards to friends and family.  In…

8 Dec

11g sharing our learning 8th December


After all our hard work over this term, we invited our parents to see what we have been doing in ASDAN. We’ve  been working really hard on looking after our environment and recycling. We looked at all different kinds of things that you can recycle. We looked at things that are good and bad…