13 Mar

8G End of Week 9 (Spring Term)

Here we are again at the end of another week, this time week 9! It will soon be Summer term, how scary is that!

On Wednesday we kicked off Mrs Fisher's week with a My Thinking and Problem Solving lesson. We began the lesson with a quick brain break, a favourite of 8G, Body Bop. Lots of us love…

12 Mar

Oak - World Book Day 2020

What a fantastic day we had celebrating World Book Day. We had a wonderful, busy, fun-filled day!

In Oak we had lots of wonderful characters walk through the door! We had a unicorn, sonic, dinosaurs, Mary Popins, a Cat, a Lion, a Princess, Shine, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Hulk and…

28 Feb

8G End of Week 7 (Spring Term)

Welcome back from what I hope was a lovely half term break!

We’ve hit the ground running this week in 8G, lots of fantastic work has been happening.

On Wednesday morning we took part in our second My Thinking and Problem Solving lesson of the week. This started with a quick game of Numicon…

11 Feb

9G’s Safer Internet Day

9G have been very busy today for Safer Internet Day. Our super digital leader gave us some fun tasks to complete today. First we read an adaption of Goldilocks and how she used social media, highlighting how to stay safe online. We then watched a clip that told us how using a digital avatar can…

11 Feb

9G make their own pizza

9G have been very busy today and made our own pizzas which we enjoyed eating at snack time. We had to work in our pairs and follow the instructions to make them. First we had to spread passata over our pizza base. Then we worked together sprinkling cheese on our pizzas and chopping peppers to put…

10 Feb

9G’s trip to ‘The Astley’

9G had a lovely end of half term treat at ‘The Astley’ today. They did some fantastic colouring and word search's whilst we all waited for our food. We then had our delicious meals. We got to choose from mash or chips and had either pizza, sausages or chicken nuggets with vegetables and had juice.…

7 Feb

Oak - Victorian Day 2020

Yesterday was our first history day of the year and we got to learn all about the Victorians.


Oak class got busy finding out that; 

  • A lot of victorian people were poor.
  • Children would work in the factories.
  • Some Victorian people were very clever and invented things that we still…
7 Feb

9G 's mental health awareness week

This week we have been learning about mental health. We have been very busy. We did some yoga to help us remember that exercise helps keep us healthy. We baked biscuits and made faces with different emotions on using sweet treats! We went in the sensory room to help us to relax and learn ways that…

6 Feb

9G’s Roman Celebration Day!

9G have been fantastic day being Romans today. In the morning we learnt all about Roman Mosaics, who had them and what they looked like. We then made our own Roman Mosaics using glue and different coloured seeds. In the afternoon we then learnt all about Roman soldiers, what life was like for them…

4 Feb

Oak Celebrate Chinese New Year 2020

Last week Oak Class enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year.

We learnt that there are different animals to celebrate the different years and this year, is the year of the Rat. We found out that dragons are used in the parades and do lots of dancing. Miss Woods even told us what animal we…

28 Jan

9Gs creative cooking

9G got very busy today in cooking. We made lots of mini pizza quiches. We cut the wraps into circles, chopped peppers, tomatoes and salami and cracked the eggs to mix together our base. We took turns with our partners to do this and helped each other throughout the whole process. We then put the…

27 Jan

9G’s remarkable reader

Well done 9G! Today we all worked really hard to try and read lots of different books and look at all of the pictures all by ourselves whilst sat in the comfy seats at the library. We were all very well behaved and Miss Robertson and Miss Holden read lots of stories to everyone. Then at the end…