12 May

We’re Going on a Picnic

This term in ‘Workshop’, Willow Class are designing and making their own picnic basket! 

We have been busy thinking about what we would take on a picnic if we got to choose and how big our basket would have to be to fit all our yummy food items in.

This week, Willow Class were tasked with…

12 May

8P make mocktails !

In 8P today the children have obsevered how a mock tail is made. 
Then as a class we discussed the equipment and ingredients we will need to make our very own mocktail. 
The class all worked super hard independently to write a list of Ingredients and instructions how to make the perfect…

27 Apr

We are independent in 8P !!

Today in 8P we have been working on communicating instructions. 

The children needed to give precise instructions to Mrs Chaloner on how to make a jam sandwich. 
The children started at basics - get the bread out of the bag , use the knife spread the butter etc 

When the children…

26 Apr

Chick update! We’re Hatching!

Wow! We have life! Some of the eggs have started to hatch. Our first chick is a beautiful yellow colour - we have named the first chick Becca. Followed by chick number 2 which is brown, then chick number 3 very closely after is a lovely grey. Chick number 4 took its time to make an appearance but…

21 Apr

7A slide back into school life.

What a fantastic first week back!
Everyone was happy to be back at school and has settled back in to their routines extremely well.

7A visited Astley Park on Thursday afternoon. 

They left school and walked to the park showing their road safety skills along the way. Everyone stopped at each…

31 Mar

7P Eggcellent end to the Spring Term

7P have had a lovely last week filled with fun Easter activities. 

We have made our own cakes and baskets to take them home in. We even made Easter cards for our family members. 

7P went on their usual trip to the cafe which 7P showed some brilliant crossing skills and spotting dangers. 

31 Mar

Sycamore go wild at the zoo!

Sycamore class had a lovely visit to the zoo this week. 
 The children had such a great time . Learning all about the animals , where they live , what they eat and how they travel around - is it 4 legs , 2 legs or no legs ? 

The children did super listening all day and asked lots of questions…

24 Mar

9A Easter activities

This week in 9A, we have been learning about Easter! 


This involved us reading the Easter Story and learning about Easter traditions. We also made Easter Egg nest cakes (using mini eggs too of course) and enjoyed doing lots of different Easter activities. 


These included…

17 Mar

Mr Men, Little Misses and eco warriors in 7A!

This week we have been very busy in 7A.

On Monday we worked very hard on our number skills and also made some lovely Mothers Day cards, we hope you like them as much as we enjoyed making them! 

In Mrs Wells lesson on Wednesday we talked about our picture frames and what they would look like,…

17 Mar

A busy week in Maple Class

Maple Class learners have been super busy this week as we enjoy lots of different activities and special days. On Monday we celebrated Science Week and the theme this year was ‘Connections’. Maple Class have been identifying mystery scents during Attention Autism sessions and expressing whether we…

14 Mar

Science Week in Oak

This week Oak have Class have been exploring ‘Connections’ as part of British Science Week.

The topic was introduced through song and ‘magic milk’ attention autism. 

Pupils followed in task schedule instructions to create apple bird feeders before helping Miss Beck hang them in the tree…

3 Mar

Unexpected item in bagging area...

Rowan Class have started this half term enjoying trips to Asda.

We have worked hard on our travel training, independence, and problem solving throughout the trips. Walking safely and sensibly, looking for shopping items and paying for them.

We have had lots of fun and represented ourselves,…