24 Mar

9A Easter activities

This week in 9A, we have been learning about Easter! 


This involved us reading the Easter Story and learning about Easter traditions. We also made Easter Egg nest cakes (using mini eggs too of course) and enjoyed doing lots of different Easter activities. 


These included…

17 Mar

Mr Men, Little Misses and eco warriors in 7A!

This week we have been very busy in 7A.

On Monday we worked very hard on our number skills and also made some lovely Mothers Day cards, we hope you like them as much as we enjoyed making them! 

In Mrs Wells lesson on Wednesday we talked about our picture frames and what they would look like,…

17 Mar

A busy week in Maple Class

Maple Class learners have been super busy this week as we enjoy lots of different activities and special days. On Monday we celebrated Science Week and the theme this year was ‘Connections’. Maple Class have been identifying mystery scents during Attention Autism sessions and expressing whether we…

14 Mar

Science Week in Oak

This week Oak have Class have been exploring ‘Connections’ as part of British Science Week.

The topic was introduced through song and ‘magic milk’ attention autism. 

Pupils followed in task schedule instructions to create apple bird feeders before helping Miss Beck hang them in the tree…

3 Mar

Unexpected item in bagging area...

Rowan Class have started this half term enjoying trips to Asda.

We have worked hard on our travel training, independence, and problem solving throughout the trips. Walking safely and sensibly, looking for shopping items and paying for them.

We have had lots of fun and represented ourselves,…

24 Feb

Pancake Day in Willow Class

This week Willow class explored pancakes during our kitchen safety activities. In our groups we identified hazards and risks making pancakes in the kitchen and what would be safe choices, if we were cooking pancakes. 

We had fun practicing flipping cold pancakes, discussing how we needed to be…

20 Feb

“Ouch! I need a plaster!” in Maple Class

As part of our ‘Emergency, Emergency!’ topic, Maple class have been exploring the important roles of Nurses and how they help us. We have enjoyed our Sensory story, “Ouch! I need a plaster!” and located body parts by placing plasters on dollies. We have been counting and finding one less and…

8 Feb

Safer Internet Day @Astley Park

Another amazing Safer Internet Day at Astley Park School.


Many pupils learned the importance of understanding of reasonable and healthy time on iPad. Something we can all struggle with is recognising when we have spent too long on a device. Many of our pupils are working hard with this…

3 Feb

Sycamore - Mathematics, Learning Prepositions

A busy mathematical week looking at prepositions with Llama and Miss Molloy.

We were given a picture with a Llama, Miss Molloy would then read out an instruction which included a preposition such as “draw a tree next to the Llama” or “draw red wellies on the Llama” there were lots of…

19 Jan

Chestnut Class say 'Ahhhhhhh' as they visit the dentist!

Good afternoon,

Chestnut class have spent the week exploring the role of Dentists in our Emergency! Emergency! topic. This has seen the pupils experience a sensory story about Peppa the Pig and George going to the dentist and sampling all the things that can happen, such as drinking the ‘Pink…

18 Jan

Welcome to the Willow Class Workshop!

This term in Willow Class we will be creating our own emergency vehicles that move in our "Emergency! Emergency!" workshop sessions. This week, on Monday we designed our vehicles. On Tuesday, we began to use wheels and axels to begin the making process! I can't wait to show you the finished…

13 Jan

Emergency Emergency in Maple Class!

Maple Class have started their new Spring topic - Emergency, Emergency! where we will look at all the very important people who help us. This week we have focussed on the special jobs that fire fighters do. We have explored this through Attention Autism, fine motor skills,  sensory exploration,…