Rowan autumn term week 6
Rowan class have all worked so hard this week. We have been to the park continuing our travel training skills. We have made biscuits and used our creative skills to turn them into some very cute hedgehogs, they were delicious! We also enjoyed our music lesson, lots of us liked the recorder and…

Week 6 in Willow class
We’ve had a fantastic time in Willow class this week.
We’ve continued exploring puppets as part of our Toybox topic and whilst half of the children were swimming, the others planned and performed their own puppet shows.
We had a maths challenge this week when Mrs Mahood brought in a big…

8P Autumn 1, Week 6 ☺️
We’ve had a fantastic week again! We have enjoyed activities linked to Halloween this week. The activities we’ve done this week include:
- Attention Autism sessions (what’s in the box)
- Carousels of activities
- Cooking (jam/chocolate spread…

Week 6 in Chestnut Class
This week Chestnut learners have explored all things ‘Autumn’. During daily Attention Autism sessions we have been anticipating and tracking exciting items from the bucket and during Stage 2 have been focussing our attention further to watch confetti fall like the leaves from the trees, a flour…

Week 5 in Sycamore !
A very busy week in Sycamore class.
A super sensory story in the tent. All of the children engaged well and did some super listening.
During our toy box lesson we have been learning all about new and old toys. The children amazed us with how much they knew and demonstrated excellent…

Week 5 in Willow Class
It’s been another great week in Willow class where everyone has been busy exploring puppets as part of our “What’s in the toy box” topic.
In My Creativity we have explored different types of puppets and had lots of fun role playing with them in the puppet theatre. In My Communication, we read the…
Week 5 in 9A
We have been very creative in 9A this week. On Monday we made some paper rockets to add to our space display in class. In the afternoon we started our research on Katherine Johnson ready for writing our biographies. On Tuesday morning we had a walk around Haigh hall and had a look at the walled…

Willow class - week 4
It’s been another fantastic week in Willow class. The children have been busy taking part in lots of money related activities including playing money bingo, role play in our toy shop and coin matching games.
Everyone loved mixing paint and making splatter pictures with colours appropriate to…

Astley Park have been Smashing Stereotypes!
This week classes at Astley Park have been focussing on smashing stereotypes. Stereotypes restrict the ways in which we see ourselves, others and the world around us. They make us jump to conclusions, which can stop us from getting an accurate picture. We have been learning…

Sycamore week 4!
This week in Sycamore we have enjoyed reading our story ‘Toys in Space’. Mrs Lane shared Toys In Space through a sensory story. The children enjoyed exploring the book before using their amazing phonics skills to build some words from the story.
A real busy week trying super hard with our…

7P Week 2 Autumn 1
7P had another great week.
We really got into our routine this week and started to show the teachers in 7P how good we are. This week we have demonstrated our independence skills by making fruit kebabs in cooking. We all had a go at this and even if we didn’t want to eat it we persevered and…

Week 2 in Sycamore!
What a busy week! This week we have been focusing on friendships and feelings. The children have made some friendship soup. The children choose what quality they like to have in a friend and we added that with some food colouring to our super friendship soup.
We have all worked really hard…