Friendship week and Community Visits
7P have had a wonderful friendship week! We talked about being kind friends and not being selfish through our story about Stan the star fish! We then made friendship bracelets and wrote words on that we felt were features of being a good friend. Today we have taken pictures of our chosen friend in…

Next Stop….. 8A Please!
Good afternoon all,
Let’s begin with our Star of the week. This weeks winner is the magnificent Jake! Jake, as always has tried his best all week and been a super friend, but what caught all the teams eye this week was his determination and perseverance when accessing his school swimming…

8A Cover the Big Topics
Good afternoon, all,
Let’s start with star of the week. This week’s winner has been fabulous all week and shown how much she is progressing. We are really proud to give this week’s award to – Teegan!
Teegan has been amazing all week, being a true model of all our school values. Teegan has…

8A's are Poets and we know it!
Good afternoon,
What a great week we have had in 8A. It has been action packed and full of fun, laughter, and learning.
Our Star of the Week this week is Olivia - for showing 'determination' to walk all the way to the supermarket and back. Olivia didn’t use her wheelchair once and showed…

Willow class start enterprising!
In Willow class we enjoyed our DT topic making musical instruments last term. Miss Riley and the teachers were so impressed and could tell the children were ready for an enterprise project this term to put their planning and design skills to the test!
Our first enterprise project is looking at…

Halloween in Willow class
What a brilliant day in Willow class!
Lots of friends wore costumes or their own clothes to celebrate Halloween and everyone had lots of fun with the masks and props.
In the morning we listened to a spooky story about skeletons scaring people and feeling scared. We had a good chat about what…

7A visit Pumpkin Patch Farm
What a great day 7A have had!!!
We visited Pumpkin Patch Farm in Scarisbrick. We were met by James who showed us where everything was then off we went.
We walked up and down the field in our wellies looking at all the different shapes, sizes and colours of pumpkins. There were orange, green,…

7P Out and About
It has been a very busy few weeks for 7P!
Before going out into the community we have been practicing crossing the road using a zebra crossing on our bike track. We worked on making sure we were looking left and right, waiting for the cars to stop and ensuring we crossed safely.

7A visit the café.
This week 7A visited the café in Chorley town centre to practice our independence.
We walked from school into town showing our road safety skills, looking both ways when crossing roads and using pelican crossings when available.
When we arrived at the café we all sat down and perused the…

8A's Marvelous Marvel Comics
Good afternoon, all,
This week has been another blockbuster in 8A!
Let’s start with our Star of the Week Award. This week’s winner goes to Gemma. Gemma has been fantastic all week, showing great friendship skills throughout and showing improved participation in her PE lessons.
Way to…

7A Building friendships at Legoland.
7A went to Legoland in Manchester this week. We have been looking forward to it allllllll week and it didn’t disappoint!
When we arrived we had to queue up, while queuing up we saw some of what was to come, Hagrid, Darth Vader and tubes full of Lego.
7A then got into the lift, which was very…

8A become comic book creators!
Good afternoon all 8A fans and families,
I will start this week’s blog by announcing our Star of the Week. This week Joseph won the award for showing great maturity throughout the week and dealing well with our problem-solving tasks in baking and keeping a calm head. He has been that mature…