25 Apr

Happy Birthday Isobel!

Today is Isobel’s birthday..

We hope you have had a great day and had lots of fun playing out in the sun at home! 
Miss Cross, Miss Woods and Mrs Banks send lots of happy birthday wishes to you, as I am sure your friends do too.

Happy Birthday Isobel! 

25 Apr

Oak - Learning from Home: Week 4

Hello everyone,

It sounds like you have all had another wonderful week keeping busy at home.


This Week’s Activities:

  • Oliver has been out for a lovely walk with his family and saw some tadpoles in a pond - he even met a police man who gave him and his brother an Easter egg, yummy!…
10 Apr

Oak - Learning from Home: Week 3

Hi everyone,

It has been wonderful to hear from some of your mummy’s and daddy’s this week. It is fantastic to hear all about the skills you are developing at home.


This Week’s Home Learning:

  • Oliver has had a very busy week. He has been learning his left and right by giving his…
6 Apr

Oak - Learning from Home: Week 2

Hi everyone,

Miss Woods, Miss Banks and I, have loved receiving pictures from home and we are pleased you are all happy and keeping safe. We are very proud of you all working so hard at home!


This Week’s Home Learning:

  • Josh has done fantastic listening to his mummy and has worked…
28 Mar

Oak - Learning from Home: Week 1

Hi Everybody, 

It has been very quiet in Oak this week, with most of you learning from home. Me, Miss Woods, Miss Banks and Mrs Simpson are missing you lots, but we have loved seeing and hearing about your learning at home. It is clear to see that you have all been working hard at home, making…

28 Mar

Let’s Make New Friends

This week Amelia, Grace and Grace have enjoyed lots of activities building their relationships and making new friends, while adjusting to the changes in school.

They have all been fantastic and have had lots of fun being together and getting to know each other.

They have enjoyed lots of…

20 Mar

Oak Class’s Healthy Cafe

This week Oak Class have been spoilt for choice with a selection of fruit, toast and biscuits for snack time. 


We created our own little healthy cafe and Oak class used their own words to request what they wanted to try. 

  • Josh’s favourite was the apple. 
  • Amelia was very happy we…
20 Mar

Oak - Holi Festival 2020

Last Monday, Mr Darbyshire led our assembly and we learned about the traditional Hindu festival ‘The Holi Festival’. Some of us got to have a turn using powder paint to create colour clouds. 


Back in Oak class we explored colour through lots of activities. Miss Cross did an Attention…

20 Mar

Oak - Rainbow Day 2020

Last Friday, Oak had their belated Rainbow Day and celebrated how we are all different. 


First we read the story ‘We Are All Different’. We took turns using mirrors to talk about how we all look and what we had that was the same or different. Oscar told us he had glasses and Tig said he…

20 Mar

Oak Class Feed the Birds!

This week Oak Class have been making bird feeders. On Thursdays Mrs Banks did an attention autism to show us all what we needed to do, she squashed some lard and then sprinkled, squashed and rolled bird seed into it, she then added a string so we could hang them up for the birds to get. Afterwards…

12 Mar

Oak - World Book Day 2020

What a fantastic day we had celebrating World Book Day. We had a wonderful, busy, fun-filled day!

In Oak we had lots of wonderful characters walk through the door! We had a unicorn, sonic, dinosaurs, Mary Popins, a Cat, a Lion, a Princess, Shine, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Hulk and…

24 Feb

Make the pancake, flip the pancake, splat the pancake!

On monday we learnt all about why we celebrate pancake Day in our assembly and even had a taste of some pancakes! 
When we got back to class we all joined Miss Woods on the carpet as we took part in an attention autism, looking at what ingredients we need in order to make a pancake. Some of us…