10 Jun

Maple Class Striking & Fielding Festival

Some of Maple Class had the pleasure of attending the CSSP Striking & Fielding Festival at Chorley Cricket Club today! We participated in a carousel of activities alongside other schools. The weather was amazing and we thoroughly enjoyed exploring the area and the activities! All pupils behaved…

8 Jun

Lancashire Primary Swim Gala

Astley Park School attended the Lancashire Primary Swim Gala today at Accrington Academy. 

We took 8 pupils from Rowan, Sycamore and Willow Class who competed against 7 other schools. We took part in 25m individual/relay races, 10m individual/relay races and 3 team challenges: Slam Dunk Shuttle…

28 May

7A Celebrate at the Fairground!

To mark a Queens Platinum Jubilee, 7A went to the fairground. They were able to show all their circus skills in the performance workshop and their athletic skills on the helter skeleter & obstacle course. They also enjoyed spending their money in the Key Stage 4 cafe and sweets stalls and riding…

3 May

10R P.E 3/5/22

Today 10R had a lovely P.E session in the hall. We all enjoyed trying out our obstacle course. Team A and Team B raced to complete the obstacles and throw the beanbag into the box. 
Well done 10R!! 

22 Apr

Fun in the sun continues for Dodd Group

Dodd Group had a fabulous second day at Calvert Trust after a good nights sleep. 

We had a yummy breakfast and then went up Dodd mountain to complete some challenges such as a scavenger hunt and a photo challenge. We worked together really well and had great fun exploring the woods. We…

1 Apr

Year 11 Sponsored Swim

Well done to everyone who took part in yesterday’s Sponsored Swim!
We swam a total of 139  lengths of Brinscall Baths- Mrs McShane joined in and swam 10 lengths taking our total to 149 lengths!
Thank you to everyone who have supported this event - raising vital funds for our end of school…

31 Mar

Saturday Run in The Park


Chorley School Sports Partnership Astley Park Run 26th March 2022.

After being prepared to train each week at school, the day of the run at Astley Park arrived for Alex, Mason, Noah and Alex M. Their Challenge was for each to compete in the run, represent APS and finish without stopping…

31 Mar

An egg-citing afternoon in 8A!

This half term for Me and My Body, we have been doing Outdoor Adventurous Activities. We have practiced our team work skills and learnt that good teamwork means good talking and good listening to each other. We have practiced this through lots of games and some of us have also worked on our…

25 Mar

Football Champions

It was a pleasure on Wednesday to take 13 pupils and 3 staff members to represent Astley Park School at Lancashire Special Schools U14 and U16 football league playing 8 competitive games in very warm conditions. Both teams played each game with a positive team spirit working hard for each other…

4 Mar

Strengthening Our Bodies and Minds in 10R

This week 10R visited the gym for the first time. Some of us were a little nervous as it was new place but we were ready for the challenge.

We were able to try lots of different equipment including the treadmill, the rowing machine and the stepper. We all worked really hard and listened well to…

4 Mar

A week with World book day in 7 a !

A very busy week in 7a ! 
In maths this week we have been exploring measurement. We used a ruler to measure our friends hands. We needed to think about where the ruler needs to be placed and from which number we start the measurement from. 
We prompted the children to start at 0 at the bottom of…

11 Feb

7 a jump into maths , ready to roll in to half term !

This week 7 a have shown positivity and willing whilst working through some multiplication this week . They have explored building and analysing the array method. 
All the children have impressed all the staff with their determination to understand and complete their work. 
This week we have…