26 May

10G Summer term, week 6.

This week we have continued to look at healthy living and we have all increased our daily step target from 7000 to 7500. This is 37,500 steps at school each week and I am proud to say that all children and staff completed this target. Everyone has pushed themselves daily, completing more than…

12 May

7A Bake Off and library visit

This week was very exciting in 7A… we were decorating our Coronation cakes in our Bake Off competition!

Everyone found their designs and got to work on their masterpieces. We rolled out icing (some may have been eaten along the way!!) and cut out pieces to make the designs. We had different…

27 Apr

We are independent in 8P !!

Today in 8P we have been working on communicating instructions. 

The children needed to give precise instructions to Mrs Chaloner on how to make a jam sandwich. 
The children started at basics - get the bread out of the bag , use the knife spread the butter etc 

When the children…

21 Apr

7A slide back into school life.

What a fantastic first week back!
Everyone was happy to be back at school and has settled back in to their routines extremely well.

7A visited Astley Park on Thursday afternoon. 

They left school and walked to the park showing their road safety skills along the way. Everyone stopped at each…

31 Mar

7A’s ‘eggciting’ week.

Our last week before the Easter break and we have been very busy!

We have made Easter cards using our colouring skills or painting our hands, which we hope you like.

Wednesday- the day we have all been waiting for - photo booth day… it didn’t disappoint! We had a absolute blast as you can…

31 Mar

Maple Class enjoy a trip to The Space Centre

Maple Class have thoroughly enjoyed our trips to The Space Centre this term! We have been accessing Room 1 where we can relax in the lit den or heated water seats, climb or roll in the tunnel, gain calming input when rocking on the chair, climb and race on the slides with our friends or enjoy…

31 Mar

Easter fun in Maple Class

Maple Class have enjoyed a super week enjoying Spring themed activities including fantastic Attention Autism reveals of Spring animals and an Easter egg hunt! We have created beautiful sun catchers, followed step by step instructions to make chick paintings and made Easter nests!  Well done…

24 Mar

This week’s capers in 7A.

On Tuesday it was World Down Syndrome Day, we all wore odd socks in support. Everyone loved looking at each other’s socks and chose favourites. We coloured in socks in lots of different colours,read the story ‘We are all different’ then discussed and came up with 3 things each about what makes us…

11 Feb

Food, Glorious Food in 8P!

This half term 8P have been learning about healthy eating, including identifying the main food groups and what these foods do for our bodies. We have enjoyed tasting some different fruits and vegetables, such as mango, lychees and pomegranate. We also sorted the foods into their groups and…

13 Jan

Welcome Mrs Bentham to 8A 2023

What a great start to 2023 8A have had. We welcomed Mrs Bentham as our new class teacher and we have all worked together to make Mrs Bentham feel  at home in our class. Our visits to Asda have restarted where we buy our ingredients for the weeks food technology lessons and we have ventured to a…

22 Dec

Holiday Heroes! Group 1

Holiday Heroes have had a fantastic three days as we head towards Christmas. On Tuesday Group 1 accessed The Space Centre where we enjoyed the ball pool, the swing, slide, tunnel and cause and effect toys! On Wednesday group 1 had a visit from The Animal Therapist - Steven Allday who enjoyed…

9 Dec

11G It’s Christmas!!,

It’s getting close to Christmas now and 11G are very busy with all their Asdan work. 

On Monday we discussed our weekend news, everybody joined in and listened their friends and asked some super questions to find out more information.

Week 6 of our swimming lessons and everts is improving…