27 Jan

9G’s remarkable reader

Well done 9G! Today we all worked really hard to try and read lots of different books and look at all of the pictures all by ourselves whilst sat in the comfy seats at the library. We were all very well behaved and Miss Robertson and Miss Holden read lots of stories to everyone. Then at the end…

23 Jan

9G Happy Birthday Alex

Happy Birthday Alex. We have had a lovely afternoon celebrating together. We enjoyed playing bingo, playing musical chairs, musical statues and dancing to Alex’s favourite songs. We then sang happy birthday to Alex and gave him his card and present. We also got to have Alex’s lovely birthday cup…

22 Jan

Kind Friends are the Best Friends

In class yesterday we had a story all about "Getting On and Falling Out" Some of us were able to role play the characters. We had great fun but also listened to some great advice on how to be a good and kind friend to each other. We have been given an envelope each with friendship tokens in them…

22 Jan

1 Wedding and 1 Baptism in 8R

In class last week we have been looking at Christianity. Miss Heaton has been teaching us all about what happens at a baptism and awedding in a church. We were able to role play a wedding out wearing Mrs Devlin's very old wedding dress and veil. We completed some worksheets to show how much we had…

21 Jan

SEND team Sensory diets

This week our sensory diet group have been using some exciting new equipment. We have some trampets to bounce on, climbing equipment to use to match pictures. The ropes to pull and hold yourself up with, basket ball to try to shoot a hoop and some new sensory walkways to climb and jump from. After…

21 Jan

9Gs Crazy Cooking

9G were very busy yesterday trying out another healthy recipe. We made creamy linguine with ham. To do this we first had to break up the linguine then give it to Miss Holden to cook it. We then got busy cutting up the ham, breaking up two eggs, adding lemon juice, creme fraiche and grated cheese.…

20 Jan

9Gs trip to McDonald’s

9G enjoyed a trip to McDonalds yesterday. We walked safely and talked about crossing safely and not talking to strangers. When we arrived We had a choice of chips or McFlurry and a drink. Everyone ordered their own choice, paid for it and collected their order showing some amazing independence and…

15 Jan

8R Harvest Festival

Today 8R have been learning about Harvest Festival during World Religion Week. Mrs Clarke hid lots of food around the class and we had to find it and build our own Harvest Basket. Some of us got to taste different foods and say what we thought of them. Some of us worked on our fine motor skills…

15 Jan

Introducing Brain Eater!

During this weeks Superflex session we met “Brain Eater”, the unthinkable character that eats our thinking brains when we use technology or distract or are distracted by others. We talked about the impact of using technology at bed time, and how if we are up late watching TV or playing on our…

14 Jan

9Gs Happy New Year!

9G had a very fun and busy first week back. We are learning all about Doctors this term. We have been very busy playing doctors and nurses in our role play area. We drew around each other’s bodies and then painted the outline, it was really interesting to see how tall we all were. We also made…

14 Jan

7R enjoy a Tuesday treat!

This morning 7R have been practicing their Functional Maths skills in the community. We are learning all about money. We went to Massas cafe and enjoyed an ice cream or a snack and a drink. We were asked to order and pay for our own snack. Some of us found finding the correct coins to make a total…

13 Jan

8R World Religion Week Christianity

This week in school we are celebrating World Religion Week. 8R have been asked to learn about Christianity so today we talked about different churches and the stained glass windows. We then spent the afternoon making our own stained glass windows. Some of us followed a template and some of us…