13 Jan

9G Devonshire park trip

We visited Devonshire Road Park today, it was a little cold, wet and windy but it didn't stop us having a brilliant trip. We went on the slides, swings, roundabouts, climbing frames, balancing beams trampoline and even made some music using the equipment. A group of children wanted to play…

10 Jan

Food, Glorious Food - 7R

Welcome back and a Happy New Year!

7R have lots to look forward to this term. Our new theme is "Food, Glorious, Food". 

Communication, Language and Literacy

In our "Communication, Language and Literacy" lessons we will be exploring the book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald…

8 Jan

7R meet Space Invader!

7R are continuing to learn about Superflex and the Unthinkables with Miss Della-Fera on a Wednesday morning. Today we met the “unthinkable”character, Space Invader. We learnt that Space Invader gets too close to people, doesn’t keep his hands to himself, and talks over people. We talked about how…

7 Jan

Oak - A Ha-pea Treat!

Today Oak have been busy in the food-tech room decorating and designing our own ‘evil pea’ biscuits. 

Josh told us that the first thing we needed to do was wash our hands because ‘we don’t want dirty germs on our food’. After we washed our hands we followed through the steps to decorate our…

18 Dec

9Gs festive fun

9G have been really busy on the run up to Christmas’s. We had a lovely time decorating our massive Christmas tree together. We also had a fun end of term trip to McDonald’s where we got to have a drink and chose either chips or ice cream. We have also been very creative and melted our own snow,…

12 Dec

A baby boy was born one day, in a stable far away!

Oak Class learnt all about the Christmas nativity today. First of all, we enjoyed reading the story together on the carpet, taking it in turns to find the characters in our story to match our figures.
We were able to answer questions during different parts of the story; 
When Mary was told by…

12 Dec

7R meet Mean Jean!

Yesterday we had another session at the Superflex Training Academy. Miss Della-Fera introduced us to Mean Jean, an unthinkable character. We talked about how Mean Jean can enter our thinking brain and persuade us to make bad choices like using unkind words or unkind actions. We talked about how…

5 Dec

8R Christmas Lunch at The Astley

Today we arrived in school and Frederick the Elf had left us a note. He had eaten some of our chocolates and tried to steal our advent calendar. We promised not to touch him or he has threatened to eat all our chocolate.

We then travelled to The Astley on the new school minibus, where the staff…