11 Nov

Sycamore Remember..

Sycamore have enjoyed a day of activities themed around ‘Remembrance Day’. 


This morning we enjoyed a circle time and we shared our ideas and what we remember about Remembrance Day. We then had our 2 minutes silence to remember all the soldiers who have fought in wars to help keep us…

5 Nov

A Crackling Time in Sycamore!

On Thursday, Sycamore had fun in class celebrating bonfire night with crafts and exploring some popular traditions. 


First we collected sticks on a regulation walk, exploring outside, that we used later in the afternoon to help Miss Cross build our own ‘fire’. 


We explored…

23 Oct

7A celebrate Halloween

This term our theme is Celebrations. We have really enjoyed celebrating Halloween this week. We completed a Blue-Bot challenge to make potions, completed a Halloween workout, played Halloween games, wrote about Halloween on Purple Mash, had fun in the photo booth and enjoyed Halloween treats. We…

9 Oct

Healthy body healthy mind

This week 11R have been taking part in an action packed boot-camp. We had plenty of equipment to use and were even lucky enough to get some new battle ropes. Everyone in the class tried super hard and really worked up a sweat! 

Today we celebrated Mental Health Awareness Day. We started the…

9 Oct

Hello Yellow Day in Willow Class

Today Willow Class took part in Hello Yellow day, raising money to support young people’s mental health on World Mental Health Day.

We have learnt all about the zones of regulation this term. We been working hard to recognise our own emotions and to understand how our brain and bodies feel when…

11 Sep

7A Group B meet Super Soap!

This morning we have been learning all about why it is important to clean our hands with soap. We got ready to learn using Mrs Fishers new playdough gym that she has made for us and then we joined in with an attention autism session all about super soap. We made a germy bowl - yuck! Then we used…

15 May

A message to 7R

Hi everyone, 

I thought I’d do another blog so that you can see what each other have been doing this week. You are all working so hard at home and I am so proud of you. I have a few special mentions this week:

Kristen - Well done for a fantastic piece of writing on dinosaur extinction, and…

8 May

Messages from 7R about protecting our environment!

Hi everyone,

Firstly, a huge well done for keeping up the good work. We have been learning from home for a really long time now and I am so proud of each and every one of you for keeping up the good work! I know your families are extremely proud of you too!

Now, let’s look back on this weeks…

17 Apr

What 9G have all been up to

Hi everyone. 

9G have had another busy week and have worked very hard. It has been so nice to see all your pictures and videos of what you have been getting up to. 

Alex has been busy making cakes, going for long walks, following Miss Robertson’s breakfast routine and completing some…

18 Mar

9G’s trip to Blackpool Zoo

9G had a wonderful trip to Blackpool Zoo on Monday. We had a lovely time walking around the zoo in the lovely sunshine. We got to see the monkeys, penguins, goats, sheep, rabbits, pigs, lemurs, giraffes, elephants and lots of other animals. We also got to see the sea lion show which we really…

18 Mar

7R learn about healthy eating!

7R have spent the afternoon learning about healthy eating. First we watched an information video about different food groups and why they are important for the body. We learnt that diary foods help our teeth and bones stay strong, carbohydrates give us energy, proteins help our muscles repair and…

6 Mar


We read the story of The Wizard of Oz. We focused on the story of the lion and learned about courage. We had a class discussion about times we need courage and what helps us get through.


some pupils identified that the lion didn’t drink a magic potion to have courage. The potion was a…