Rowan Class - Spring 1 Week 3
Rowan Class have been looking at Christianity as part of World Religion Week. We built churches from blocks, made stained glass windows with paper and card, and copied Christian symbols with chalk and natural objects. We enjoyed swimming again this week, became a lot more independent in cookery,…
10R Derian House Charity Shop Donation Request
Today 10R did posters for our community action for Derian House in the local community to give to the charity shop so they can give nice things to the children to use.
The above blog information was written by 2 of our pupils. Well done team.
On Monday 24th January 10R will be collecting…
Online Gaming and Relationship
As we get closer to Online Safety Day 2022, we are beginning to look at gaming and the dangers for our pupils around being engrossed in such a hobby.
On Tuesday 8th February school will be looking at gaming and the relationships involved with such an activity. Pupils will be taking part in…
Rowan Class - Spring 1 Week 2
Rowan Class have had a super busy week!
We got back in the pool on Monday as our weekly swimming lessons resumed and we all had so much fun.
We have been using our Thinking and Problem Solving skills in cookery this week, making sandwiches, and decorating cakes - counting ingredients and…
Happy New Year Rowan Class
Happy New Year Rowan Class!
It was lovely to see you all back in class this week. We enjoyed making New Year fireworks from breadsticks, painting fireworks and making New Year wishes. We started the year working hard as always with our handwriting skills and number recognition, and enjoyed a…
Nativity visit - 19th December
What a fantastic day we had on Sunday when we visited Stable Lives for a walk through nativity. The charity had kindly offered us some free places and we held a draw to select the lucky pupils. We arrived at Parbold Equestrian centre and we were greeted by Santa’s elves who gave us some lovely…
Christmas in Rowan Class
Rowan Class have had a lovely final week! We have enjoyed lots of Christmas crafts and activities, including making our very own Christmas cakes. We really enjoyed seeing the alpaca's, and some of us even fed them! Our Food Bank donation box was very full, thank you to all who donated.
We hope…
Rowan Class Festivities
Rowan class have been busy Elves this week, making lots of festive crafts for their friends and families. We have made Christmas cards, reindeer food, calendars and Father Christmas faces and door hangers. We enjoyed a lovely Christmas lunch on Wednesday, and had a great Christmas party on…
Rowan Class - Autumn 2 Week 5
A very busy week in Rowan Class. We started our festive activities, making Christmas cards and rehearsing our song for the Christmas Production. In My Communication we have continued working on retelling narratives by looking at the story The Bear Hunt. We enjoyed a sensory story, retold the story…
Rowan Class - Autumn 2 Week 4
Rowan Class have had a lovely week, lots of super learning and lots of fun. We particularly enjoyed our hot chocolate and story in the woods, as a reward for our brilliant independent walking around school. Me and My Body was such good fun too, and we even had a go on the body boards! We will…
St Andrew’s Day Celebrations at Astley Park School!
On Tuesday 30th November, we will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day in classes. Some classes will be celebrating this through sensory play with water, some will be focusing on the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand, whilst others while be exploring the life of St Andrew using information…
Astley Park ‘will remember them’
On this special day, the pupils of Astley Park have been getting very artsy producing some amazing arts and crafts ideas to pay respect on Remembrance Day! The children have all had their creative hats on and have made some fantastic tributes!