A busy week in Rowan Class
A very busy but fun week in Rowan Class. We all enjoyed swimming and our independence skills, getting dressed, are really improving. On Pancake Day we all helped to add and mix the ingredients for some very yummy pancakes. We watched a short video of a young girl in Wales getting ready for St…

Rowan Class - Spring 2 Week 1
Rowan Class have continued with our, 'Into the Woods' topic this week. We had a look a different parts of flowers and what they are for, learning a song with signs, ordering parts of flowers and some of us labelled them. In cookery we made cakes, counting out cake cases, taking turns with…

Safer Internet Day at Astley Park
This week classes have been focusing one staying safe online.
We have had a range of activities going on throughout the whole of school. Making friendship potions and learning and comparing physical and virtual friendships. Videos commentary on what to do in online situations. (YouTube…

Safer Internet Day in Rowan Class
Rowan Class looked at what makes a good friend, both online and in real life, for this Safer Internet Day.
We added lots of different ingredients and mixed them together to make a good friend, including kindness and caring. We then made a special kindness card and gave it to a friend in…

Happy Safer Internet Day - One for the Grown Ups!
All Fun and Games? Exploring Respect and Relationships Online
The best way to support our children online is to take an interest in what they are doing.
Here are some posters which may help start some conversations with your child. What should we be looking out for in the gaming world,…

Rowan Class celebrate Chinese New Year
Rowan Class enjoyed lots of different activities this week to celebrate Chinese New Year. We enjoyed making fruit fireworks, practicing our repeating pattern skills. We made some very colourful dragon masks, and had fun dragon dancing. We then had a go at Chinese writing, writing the word,…

Rowan Class - Spring 1 Week 3
Rowan Class have been looking at Christianity as part of World Religion Week. We built churches from blocks, made stained glass windows with paper and card, and copied Christian symbols with chalk and natural objects. We enjoyed swimming again this week, became a lot more independent in cookery,…

10R Derian House Charity Shop Donation Request
Today 10R did posters for our community action for Derian House in the local community to give to the charity shop so they can give nice things to the children to use.
The above blog information was written by 2 of our pupils. Well done team.
On Monday 24th January 10R will be collecting…

Online Gaming and Relationship
As we get closer to Online Safety Day 2022, we are beginning to look at gaming and the dangers for our pupils around being engrossed in such a hobby.
On Tuesday 8th February school will be looking at gaming and the relationships involved with such an activity. Pupils will be taking part in…

Rowan Class - Spring 1 Week 2
Rowan Class have had a super busy week!
We got back in the pool on Monday as our weekly swimming lessons resumed and we all had so much fun.
We have been using our Thinking and Problem Solving skills in cookery this week, making sandwiches, and decorating cakes - counting ingredients and…

Happy New Year Rowan Class
Happy New Year Rowan Class!
It was lovely to see you all back in class this week. We enjoyed making New Year fireworks from breadsticks, painting fireworks and making New Year wishes. We started the year working hard as always with our handwriting skills and number recognition, and enjoyed a…

Nativity visit - 19th December
What a fantastic day we had on Sunday when we visited Stable Lives for a walk through nativity. The charity had kindly offered us some free places and we held a draw to select the lucky pupils. We arrived at Parbold Equestrian centre and we were greeted by Santa’s elves who gave us some lovely…