7 Jul

Rowan class ‘monkey around at Blackpool Zoo’

Rowan class had a fantastic day visiting Blackpool Zoo, We got to see our Favourite animals, The elephants were extremely  smelly, Giraffes were very tall, The red Panda was hiding up a tree & was very hard to see, we even got to watch the sea lion show & they showed us their ball…

1 Jul

Rowan Class - Summer 2 Week 4

We have had a super busy week in Rowan Class. We enjoyed number games outside, we had races with the bluebots and programmed them to move around the mats. We all did amazing at swimming at always!

This week we have been talking about our new classes and how some of us might be worried, so we…

17 Jun

Rainbow Week in Rowan Class

We have enjoyed lots of activities this week to celebrate Rainbow Week/Day as part of Pride Month.

We made some lovely rainbow pizzas in cookery, and took them home to share with our families. We shared a lovely story, "And Tango makes Three", and created some fantastic sentences about…

10 Jun

Rowan Class - Summer 2 Week 1

Rowan Class have had a fun and busy first week of Summer 2.

We have enjoyed exploring the bluebots, giving them demands to move in different directions. In PE we have been learning new skills, including egg and spoon and relay racing, we had lots of fun in the sunshine.

This week we have…

27 May

Rowan Class have fun at the fair!

Rowan Class have had a great day celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and enjoying the funfair. We have been on the helter-skelter, rode donkeys, had fun on the bouncy castle and we especially enjoyed the Monster Truck Ride. We had a special lunch and wore our crowns that we had made earlier…

27 May

Celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in Style!

Wow! What an absolutely fantastic day we have all had celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee at the Astley Park Funfair!! Pupils and staff have enjoyed a day full of excitement and nobody could keep a smile off their face when they walked into the school decorated in red, white and…

25 May

Miss Brown ‘21 today’

Today in Rowan class we got to celebrate a very special birthday,

our very own Miss Brown has turned 21.

We had a little celebration in class with McDonald’s and a cake that we made yesterday! 

Happy Birthday Miss Brown! 

17 May

Happy Wesak!

On Monday, all pupils celebrated Wesak (Buddha Day). The Buddhist festival celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. Pupils explored the story of Buddha in ways appropriate to their pathway and worked hard creating mandalas which were entered into the APS Mandala Contest, the…

16 May

Willow, sycamore and Rowan class share golden time with new friends!

This Friday was very exciting for the older primary children- we had a joint golden time in the hall!
Children from Willow, Sycamore and Rowan have been thinking about the transition to high school (or our friends transitions while we get some new friends in class) so we were all very excited to…

13 May

Rowan class ‘ Go Green ‘ For Mental health awareness week

Today we explored Mental health awareness & looked at loneliness and how we could help our friends when they felt sad. We had a lovely day creating green biscuits, cards &  friendship bracelets that we gave to our friends.
We looked at the story “Larry’s left out” & talked about how we could…

11 May

Astley Park Life

For our travel training this week a small group of children got to go to Astley Park & put their skills they had learnt into practice. The learners remembered to Stop, Look, Listen & think to cross the road. We got to play on the slide, ride on the zip wire & play in the sand, We safely walked…

6 May

Rowan Class celebrate Eid

Rowan Class have enjoyed celebrating Eid this week, and exploring the Muslim religion.

We read stories about Eid, and discussed other religions and their special days/celebrations.

We decorated some traditional lanterns, and designed some lovely Mehndi patterns. In cooking we made some…