Christmas in Rowan Class
Rowan Class have had a lovely final week! We have enjoyed lots of Christmas crafts and activities, including making our very own Christmas cakes. We really enjoyed seeing the alpaca's, and some of us even fed them! Our Food Bank donation box was very full, thank you to all who donated.
We hope…

Rowan Class Festivities
Rowan class have been busy Elves this week, making lots of festive crafts for their friends and families. We have made Christmas cards, reindeer food, calendars and Father Christmas faces and door hangers. We enjoyed a lovely Christmas lunch on Wednesday, and had a great Christmas party on…

Rowan Class - Autumn 2 Week 5
A very busy week in Rowan Class. We started our festive activities, making Christmas cards and rehearsing our song for the Christmas Production. In My Communication we have continued working on retelling narratives by looking at the story The Bear Hunt. We enjoyed a sensory story, retold the story…

Rowan Class - Autumn 2 Week 4
Rowan Class have had a lovely week, lots of super learning and lots of fun. We particularly enjoyed our hot chocolate and story in the woods, as a reward for our brilliant independent walking around school. Me and My Body was such good fun too, and we even had a go on the body boards! We will…

St Andrew’s Day Celebrations at Astley Park School!
On Tuesday 30th November, we will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day in classes. Some classes will be celebrating this through sensory play with water, some will be focusing on the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand, whilst others while be exploring the life of St Andrew using information…

Astley Park ‘will remember them’
On this special day, the pupils of Astley Park have been getting very artsy producing some amazing arts and crafts ideas to pay respect on Remembrance Day! The children have all had their creative hats on and have made some fantastic tributes!

Rowan Class Celebrate Diwali
Rowan Class have been busy learning about and celebrating Diwali this week. We read a story about a young boy and his Diwali experience, and made some brilliant sentences about different pictures from the story. We made diya lamps from clay and tried different foods.
This week we also…

Crafting our Values with Victoria Hough
Victoria Hough is an artist who specialises in working with groups of children to create exciting pieces of art. We invited her into Astley Park School to help us create a masterpiece to incorporate our new school values of Kindness, Respect, Honesty, Positivity and Teamwork. Victoria worked with…
Halloween Pumpkin Competition
Congratulations to Class 7P who are the winners of our Halloween Pumpkin competition. Mr Welsh and Mrs Millard were our judges for today and had a difficult decision due to the fantastic effort classes had made.
Mr Welsh presented 7P class and all the other classes with some lovely halloween…

Autumn in Rowan Class
Rowan Class have enjoyed learning about Autumn this week. We have been on a senses walk, finding lots of things we can see, smell, hear, touch and then we came back to class to taste snack. We have worked hard making brilliant sentences about different Autumn pictures, counted acorns, leaves and…

Rowan Class enjoying a Sound Walk with Coco
Rowan Class have worked very hard this week with their phonics. Sound Bingo, matching initial sounds to pictures, blending sounds to make words and we finished the week off with a lovely initial sounds walk with Coco! It was so much fun, the sun stayed out and we all had a turn walking Coco.…

A monster of a week for Rowan Class
This week Rowan Class have been showing off their number, writing, and reading skills as we are in the assessment phase of the term, getting ready for target setting soon. Everyone worked very hard, showing lots of determination! We have enjoyed the story The Colour Monster, and we were able to…